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Tizku l’Shanim Rabot v’Tovot!

Thursday, August 8, 2024

ShabBAN Hazon Devarim shel Shalom

 Attached is The BAN in PDF Also available in your email 

and online here: Parashat Devarim

Šabat Ḣazon * Parašat Devarim

10 August 2024 * 6 Ḣodeṡ Av 5784
ו’ אב התשפ”ד

Earliest Candles Lighting - 6:33pm
Official Hadlaqat Nerot abat Time - 7:43pm

ir Haṡirim - 6:45pm

Minḣa/Qabalat abat/Ȯrvit - 7:00pm

aḣarit - 8:45am * Latest emaȯ - 9:30am
Devar Torah - 10:45am Dvar Torah on the Parasha.
Qiduṡ - 11:45am Potluck Qidush - Add something to the pot. Dairy-Parve Potluck Kiddush. All processed food must be store-sealed marked-kosher.
Table Conversations - 12:30pm 

Minḣa Gedola - 1:35pm Minḣa - 7:25pm

Ṡiȯur & Seȯudonet Ṡeliit - 7:55pm Mila baParasha after Mina: Understanding a word in the parasha. This week: “HaArets-הָאָרֶץ.” What does the word mean; and what are the borders of the Promised Land, then and now? Basic (and love of :) Hebrew is sufficient.

Ṡeqiȯa - 8:00pm * Ȯrvit - 8:35pm

Żet Hakok̇avim / Havdala - 8:45pm

~ Full Tish’a b’Av Schedule Inside ~

Ṡabat ṡel Ṡalom!


Sunday Ṡaḣarit @ 8:15am - Hodu. Qorbanot @ 8:00am

General Contributions could be made here: SUPPORT BA ONLINE

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