Support Beth Aharon

Supporting Beth Aharon:

On-Line: Click this Link: Donate On-Line

By mail: Please write checks to: Congregation Beth Aharon.

Mail to Cong. Beth Aharon / HIR, 3700 Henry Hudson Parkway, Bronx, NY 10463.

Drop-off: At the Beth Aharon’s mail box at the HIR office.

Annual Membership: Family - $500; Individual - $250.

Tizku l’Shanim Rabot v’Tovot!

Tuesday, October 15, 2024

ShabBAN Sukkot shel Shalom

 Attached is The BAN in PDF

Also available in your email and online here: 

Yom Tovs & Shabbat Sukkot 

Yom Tovs & Ṡabat

Wednesday, October 16, Ḣodesh Tishre 15 - EREV SHABAT SUKKOT 

Candle Lighting 5:55pm / Eruv Tavshilin

Minḣa/Arvit 6:05pm

* The Bayit Communal Sukkot Dinner 6:55pm


Thursday, October 17 - SUKKOT YOMTOV 1 

Shaḣarit 8:45am

BA RSVP Luncheon in the Sukka approx. 12:00pm (to join email today

Minḣa 5:35pm followed by Shiur * Arvit 6:30pm

Candle Lighting After 6:56pm - from existing flame


Friday, October 18 - SUKKOT YOMTOV 2 

Shaḣarit 8:45am  

Potluck Kidush in the Sukka 11:45am

Candle Lighting 5:52pm - from existing flame

Shir Hashirim  5:47pm
Minḣa/Qabalat-Shabat/Arvit 6:02pm

Shabbat, October 19 - SHABAT SUKKOT
Shaḣarit 8:45am 
Potluck Kidush in the Sukka 11:45am

Community Sukka Hop for Kids 3:30pm-5:30pm

Minḣa 5:30pm followed by Qohelet in the Bayit Sukka 6:00pm
Arvit 6:43pm * Yom Tov Ends / Havdala 6:53pm Gemar atima Tova * Tizku leShanim Rabot veTovot

Monday, October 14, 2024

Beth Aharon Annual Sukkot Luncheon 5785 @ The Bayit Sukka


Sukkot Luncheon @ Beth Aharon @ The Bayit


Join Beth Aharon for our traditional Sukkot Luncheon @ the Bayit's Sukka on
Sukkot Day 1 - Thursday, October 17 - after tefila - approx. 12pm.
Enjoy Community Time and Delicious Eats - a variety of vegetarian and fish dishes!
Cost: $108/ family; $36 /adult; $18 /child (ages 4-17)
Only with Evite RSVP by Monday, October 10.
Check your email for Evite!
Or request an Evite by emailing:
More details at: 

Gmar atima Tova and Mo'adim L'Simḣa!

Thursday, October 10, 2024

ShabBAN Yom HaKipurim LeShalom


 Attached is The BAN in PDF

Also available in your email and online here: 

Shabbat Yom HaKipurim

abat Yom Hakipurim

11-12 October 2024 * 10 Ḣodeṡ Tishre 5785

י’ בתשרי התשפ”ה

Montar Mountain - Har HaAzazel

East of Jerusalem


Erev Shabbat & Eve Yom Kippur  - Friday, October 11

Seliḣot & Shaḣarit - 6:00am

Minḣa and Blessing of Children - 3:00pm

Candle Lighting - 6:02pm

Kol Nidre/Tefilat Erev-Shabbat/Kippur - 6:07pm

Fast Begins - 6:02pm

Yom Kippur Day - Shabbat, October 12

Shaḣarit - 7:45am

Child Care (HIR) - 9:30am - 1:30pm
Azkara - 11:00am

Drasha - 10:45am - Rav Steven Exler 

Musaf - 11:30am

Minḣa - 3:30pm 

Divre Mousar - 5:30pm - Rav Tomer Ronen

Ne’ila followed by Arvit - 5:45pm

Fast Ends - 7:04pm HIR (Chabad 7:00pm)


Havdala/Break-Fast - 7:10pm - is sponsored by the Sigal-Molinas Family - In memory of Sandra Molinas' parents (Grandparents to Sophia Elazar and Max) - Mordechai ben Rosa z"l and Devorah Gittel bat Leah Dina z"l.

Birkat Haləvana - 7:20pm

“Le Shana Tova Tikatevu V’Teḣatemu, LəḢayim Tovim UlShalom”