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Friday, November 26, 2021

Shabbat Parashat Vayeshev b'Shalom

The BAN is available in your email and here online:

Online: Parashat Vayeshev

Shabbat Mevarkhim Parashat Vayeshev

27 November 2021 * 23 Ḥodesh Kislev 5782

כ"ג כסלו התשפ”ב

Candle Lighting - 4:12pm

Shir Hashirim - 4:12pm

Minḥa/Qabalat-Shabbat/Arvit - 4:22pm

This Shabbat celebrating the Bar-Mitsva of Ma‘ayan Aharon!

Shaḥarit - 8:45am * Latest Shəma - 9:19am

Torah Reading - 10:00am

Dvar Torah: Akiva Andrew Small on parashat Vayeshev.

Kiddush: 11:45pm

Kiddush this shabbat is sponsored by the Small family commemorating the 17th azkara of Akiva’s father, Harold Small - Tzvi Moshe ben Avraham Mordecvhai, zikhrol livrakha; and by the Aharon family in celebration of Ma‘ayan’s Bat Mitsva.

Zohar - 3:55pm * Minḥa - 4:00pm

Se’uda Shelishit/Shiur - 4:35pm

After Minḥa Shiur: Milim baḤanuka - This week Hilkhot Ḥanuka with David and trying to understand the names of the sons of the Ḥashmonite Matityahu. Basic (and love of) Hebrew is needed.

Shabbat song - Join our conclusion of Shabbat with a song after the Shiur.

Arvit - 5:05pm

Tset Hakokhavim/Havdala - 5:15pm

Rav Dov's Dvar Torah Attached!

Print the BAN for your Shabbat Table!

Shabbat shel Shalom & Hanuka Tova!

Friday, November 19, 2021

ShabBAN Vayishlah l'Shalom

The BAN is available in your email and here online:

Online: Parashat Vayishlah

Shabbat Parashat Vayishlaḥ

20 November 2021 * 16 Ḥodesh Kislev 5782

ט"ז כסלו התשפ”ב

This Shabbat celebrating the Bar-Mitsva of Avraham Garcia

Join the Garcia family and rejoice with us in Prayer, Torah Reading, Words of Thanks & Wisdom and Delicious Sova Kiddush. 

Candle Lighting - 4:16pm

Shir Hashirim - 4:16pm

Minḥa/Qabalat-Shabbat/Arvit - 4:26pm

Shaḥarit - 8:45am

Latest Shəma - 9:14am

Torah Reading - 10:00am

Dvar Torah & Bar-Mitsva - Avraham on parashat Vayishalḥ: “Praying, Preparing, and Giving”.

Kiddush: 11:45pm

Kiddush this shabbat is sponsored by Hadassah & Iyov and the Garcia family in celebration of Avraham becoming a Bar Mitsva.

Zohar - 4:00pm * Minḥa - 4:05pm

Se’uda Shelishit/Shiur - 4:35pm

After Minḥa Shiur: A talk with Balbino Shmuel Cotarelo Núñez on “When East Halakha and West Halakha Meet.”

Shəki’a - 4:34pm * Arvit - 5:09pm

Tset Hakokhavim/Havdala - 5:19pm

Rav Dov's Dvar Torah Inside!

Print the BAN for your Shabbat Table!

Shabbat shel Shalom & Hodesh Kislev Tov!

Friday, November 12, 2021

ShabBAN shel Vayetse l'Shalom

The BAN is available in your email and here online:

Online: Parashat Vayetse

Shabbat Parashat Vayetse

13 November 2021 * 9 Ḥodesh Kislev 5782

ט’ כסלו התשפ”ב

This Shabbat Vayetse Ya'aqov l’Shalom!

Candle Lighting - 4:22pm

Shir Hashirim - 4:22pm

Minḥa/Qabalat-Shabbat/Arvit - 4:32pm

Beth Aharon Kids Raffle Continues: Kids! Come every shabbat morning and participate in Ashre, Shema’ Yisrael, Yimlokh, Ein K’Eloqenu and more... hold on to your tickets, enjoy candies and gifts and win an electric scooter and many more exciting prizes on the Big Raffle of Shabbat Hanuka, Kislev 30 - November 4th!

Shaḥarit - 8:45am * Latest Shəma - 9:09am

Dvar Torah - Akiva Andrew Small haGadol on parashat Vayetse: “Encountering Angels, the Meaning of Jacob’s Ladder and Bringing Heaven Down to Earth”.

Kiddush: 11:45pm

Kiddush this shabbat is sponsored by Beth Aharon members & friends.

Zohar - 4:00pm * Minḥa - 4:05pm

Se’uda Shelishit/Shiur - 4:35pm

After Minḥa Safa baParasha: A talk with Efrayim Jeffery Klapper on Yiddish, our surviving Jewish language. Basic (and love of :) Hebrew (and Yiddish) is sufficient.

Have a Yiddish Shabbat song? Join our Zemirot Shabbat after the Talk. 

Shəki’a - 4:39pm * Arvit - 5:14pm

Tset Hakokhavim/Havdala - 5:24pm

Rav Dov's Dvar Torah Inside!

Print the BAN for your Shabbat Table!

Shabbat shel Shalom & Hodesh Kislev Tov!

Friday, November 5, 2021

ShabBAN Parashat Toldot haShalom

 The BAN is available in your email and here online:

Online: Parashat Toledot

Shabbat Parashat Toldot

6 November 2021 * 2 Ḥodesh Kislev 5782

Beth Aharon Kids Raffle Continues: Kids! Come on shabbat morning and participate in Ashre, Shema’ Yisrael, Yimlokh, Ein K’Eloqenu and more... and win an electric scooter and many more exciting prizes!

Candle Lighting - 5:29pm

Shir Hashirim - 5:29pm

Minḥa/Qabalat-Shabbat/Arvit - 5:39pm

Shaḥarit - 8:45am 

Latest Shəma - 10:05am

Dvar Torah - Rav Yonah Berman, rabbi, zionist, former lone soldier in Golani shelanu, and bar-mitsva parasha anniversary celebrator, on parashat Toledot.

Kiddush - 11:45pm

Kiddush this shabbat is sponsored by the friends of Israel. Are you one of them? 

Zohar - 5:10pm 

Minḥa - 5:15pm

Se’uda Shelishit/Shiur - Zemirot Shabbat - Mila baParasha: 5:45pm

After Minḥa Mila baParasha: Understanding a word in our parasha: Betuel-בְתוּאֵ֖ל - What does the name mean; is it connected to the city Bet El; and how is it related to Psalm 122? Basic (and love of :) Hebrew is sufficient.

Have a tune for Psalm 122? Join our Zemirot Shabbat after Minḥa. 

Shəki’a - 5:46pm * Arvit - 6:21pm

Tset Hakokhavim/Havdala - 6:31pm

Rav Dov's Dvar Torah Inside!

Print the BAN for your Shabbat Table!

Shabbat shel Shalom & Hodesh Kislev Tov!