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Tizku l’Shanim Rabot v’Tovot!

Friday, August 23, 2024

ShabBAN Eqev haShalom

  Attached is The BAN in PDF Also available in your email 

and online here: Parashat Eqev

Šabat Parašat Eqev

24 August 2024 * 20 Ḣodeṡ Av 5784
כ’ אב התשפ”ד

Celebrating Zecharia Lev (Zaki) LaMot Bar Mitsva with the Kraus and the LaMot families!

Earliest Candles Lighting - 6:17pm
Official Hadlaqat Nerot Ṡabat Time - 7:23pm

Ṡir Haṡirim - 6:45pm

Minḣa/Qabalat Ṡabat/Ȯrvit - 7:00pm

Ṡaḣarit - 8:45am 

Latest Ṡemaȯ - 9:36am 

Zeved Habat for newborn baby girl Avshalamov.
Dvar Torah Reb Akiva Small on the Parasha and beyond.
Divre Berakha for Bar-Mitsva boy Zecharia Lev and baby girl Avshalamov.
Qidush With gratitude to Hashem, this Shabbat Lunchidush is sponsored by the Kraus Family in celebration and in honor of Zaki's Bar Mitsva.

Table Conversations - 1:00pm

Minḣa Gedola - 1:31pm

Parasha Shiur - 6:30pm 
Minḣa - 7:05pm
Ṡiȯur & Seȯudonet Ṡeliṡit - 7:35pm

Ṡeqiȯa - 7:40pm * Ȯrvit - 8:15pm

Żet Hakok̇avim / Havdala - 8:25pm

Ṡabat ṡel Ṡalom!


Sunday Ṡaḣarit @ 8:15am - Hodu. Qorbanot @ 8:00am

General Contributions could be made here: SUPPORT BA ONLINE

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