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Tizku l’Shanim Rabot v’Tovot!

Friday, April 28, 2023

ShabBAN Ahare-Mot Qedoshim shel Shalom!


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Click to Read Online: Parashat Ahare-Mot Qedoshim 

Šabat Parašat Aḣare-Mot-Qedoshim

29 April 2023 * 8 Ḣodeš Iyar 5783 

23 BaOmer * ח’ אייר התשפ”ג

This Shabbat reading parashot Aḣare-Mot-Qedoshim and welcoming Rav Yair Paran, educator at Himelfarb High School, Jerusalem and grandson of Maran Ovadia Yosef zts”l, and Rav Yossi Gamliel, Ram at Yeshivat Maale Gilboa, among other guest Rabbanim and Rabbanot of YCT’s Mikhlelet Rikmah.


Earliest Candle Lighting Time - 6:22pm

Candle Lighting Official Time - 7:31pm

Šir Haširim - 6:45pm

Minḣa / Qabalat Šabat / Ȯrvit - 7:00pm

Šaḣarit (Qorbanot) - 8:45am

Latest Šəmaȯ - 9:25am 

Dəvar Torah - 10:45am 

Dvar Torah by Rav Yair Paran of Yerushalayim. Rav Yair Paran is a member of YCT's fourth Rikmah cohort. He is an Alumnus of Yeshivot Otniel and Machanayim, with ordination from the Rabbanut and Rabbi Shlomo Riskin, and a faculty and grade level Dean, Himelfarb High School, Jerusalem. Rav Paran is a grandson of Maran Ovadia Yosef, zts”l.

Qiduš - 11:45pm

Qidush this shabbat is sponsored by Golda & Yosef-Joey Baruh in memory of Joey’s grandfather Yasef ben Haim Baruh z”l.

Open Mind - 12:30pm

Free talk about things that matter, along with a word about the parasha.

Parent-Child Learning at 6:00pm at the 2FBM Midrash with light eats and fun learnings. 

Daf Yomi - 6:20pm 

Parasha Limud at 6:30pm - Parasha reading and learning Teamim w/ Tsuri @ the 2FBM.

Minḣa - 7:15pm*

Seudah Shilshit and Siyyum after Minḣa, on Masekhet Peah, sponsored by Aharon-Charles Hall at the Social Hall.

Shiur - after Minḣa, by Rav Yehuda along with a light Seuda Shelishit at the LLBM.

Šəqiȯa - 7:50pm

Ȯarvit - 8:30pm

Ṡet Hakok̇avim / Havdala - 8:35pm

Šabat Šel Šalom :)

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