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Tizku l’Shanim Rabot v’Tovot!

Friday, January 31, 2020

ShabBAN Bo L'Shalom :)

Links to your BAN Below, on FB, and in your Email!

Online: Bo 5780

Shabbat Parashat Bo

1 February 2020 * 6 Shvet 5780
Candle Lighting - 4:54pm
Minḥa/Kabbalat-Shabbat/Arvit - 5:04pm
Shaḥarit - 8:30am * Latest Shəma - 9:37am
Zohar - 4:30pm * Minḥa - 4:35pm
Sə’uda Shəlishit / Shiur - 5:05pm 
Shəki’a - 5:13pm * Arvit - 5:48pm
Tset Hakokhavim / Havdala - 5:58pm


Shabbat Tsibur - like every Shabbat a Beth Aharon all congregants, adults and kids, are welcome to take an active role in mizmorim, təfila, and kəri’at haTora.

Təfilat ‘Erev Shabbat @ 2BM @ 5:05pm

Shaḥarit: 8:30am

Parasha: 9:45am

Yimlokh: 10:40am - All kids are welcome to join! 

Dvar Torah: 10:45am by Rav Dov Lerea

Adon Olam with Nissim Mosseri @ 11:15am

Kiddush: 11:30am - Inhouse Kiddush with sur-Sahara North-African cuisine of the hands of Myriam Elefant, Roberta LaMot, Madeline Sloan, Rivka Small, LivyaTinestit, David Nahmias, and surely more. 

Opentable conversation about the Deal of the Century and its significant @ 12:15pm.

After Minḥa Mila baParasha: Understanding a word in our parasha. This week - "Aharon - אַהֲרֹן" - What does the word mean; is it a Hebrew or an Egyptian word; and could it be both? Basic (and love of) Hebrew is sufficient. At 2BM.

● Niggun Circle with Rabbanit Brach, 30 minutes before Mina @ the ML. 

After Minḥa The Listening Room with Myra Estelle @ the LBM.

After Minḥa Daf baTalmud: Daf yomi with the Dafers @ the 3FL.

After Minḥa Shiur baayim: Shiur in the main sanctuary.

Shabbat shel Shalom and Hodesh Tov!

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