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Friday, August 30, 2019

ShabBAN Re'eh Elul shel Shalom

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On Line: Re'eh Rosh Hodesh  
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Shabbat Rosh Ḥodesh Elul
Parashat Re’eh
31 August 2019 * 30 Av 5779
Earliest Candle Lighting: 6:09pm
Minḥa/Kabbalat-Shabbat/Arvit - 7:00pm
Candle Lighting - 7:14pm
Shaḥarit - 8:30am * Latest Shəma - 9:38am
Zohar -6:50pm * Minḥa - 6:55pm
Se’uda Shelishit / Shiur - 7:25pm 
Shəki’a - 7:30pm * Arvit - 8:10pm

Tset Hakokhavim / Havdala - 8:15pm

Join Beth Aharon this Shabbat as we celebrate the arrival of
Rosh Ḥodesh Elul with
Sephardic Ḥazzan-In-Residence David Rubinstein.
We will enjoy Ḥazzan David’s special melodies across Kabbalat Shabbat, Shaḥarit/Hallel/Musaf, and Zemirot Shabbat during Se’uda Shəlishit.
Beth Aharon is honored to have joining us for Shabbat the renowned Ḥazzan David Rubinstein who loves the beautiful prayers of all Jewish customs even though he specializes in the Ḥazzanut of the Levant including Syria. Over Shabbatot and Ḥagim, David has served as the guest Ḥazzan in Sephardic communities in Manhattan, Long Beach, and New Rochelle, New York as well as in Cincinnati, Ohio and Boston. He studied Ḥazzanut at Yeshiva University’s Belz School of Jewish Music. Originally from Boston, David and his wife Miriam live in the non-Riverdale part of the Bronx.

Təfilat ‘Erev Shabbat: 7:00pm

Shaḥarit: 8:30am

Parasha: 9:45am 

Yimlokh: 10:40am - All kids are welcome to join!

Dvar Torah: 10:45am - Rabbi Dr. Jeffrey Kobrin. Rabbi Korbin is the Rosh HaYeshiva / Head of School of the North Shore Hebrew Academy in Great Neck, NY.  He has a BA from Columbia College, an MA from Columbia University, semikha from Rabbi Zalman Nechemia Goldberg and RIETS, and a PhD from Teachers College at Columbia University.  He has lived in Riverdale for twenty years with his wife Michelle Greenberg-Kobrin and their four daughters.

Kiddush: 11:25am - Kiddush this shabbat is sponsored by the Small family in memory Frederique-Rivka's father David ben Meir Tahar z”l; by the Sandra and Sam Sigal in honor of their kids; by the Aharon family in celebration of Hodesh Elul; and by Almoni in honor of Hashem.

After Kiddush: Free talk about life and seeing.

Listening Room: 5:30pm with Myra Estelle at the LBM.

Parasha Limud: 5:30pm with Livya Tinestit-Weiss at the ML.

Se’uda Shelishit: 7:00pm. Join us for shabbat’s 3rd Meal, words of Torah, and Zemirot Shabbat with Ḥazzan David Rubinstein.

After Minḥa Mila baParasha: Understanding a word in our parasha. This week “Re’eh - רְאֵ֗ה” - What does the word mean; to look, see, pay attention, think, or else; and who is commanded to “see?” Basic (and love of :) Hebrew is sufficient. At the 2BM. 

After Minḥa Daf baTalmud: Daf Yomi on 3FL. Temura. 

After Minḥa Shiur baHayim: Shiur in the main sanctuary.

Shabbat shel Shalom!

Friday, August 23, 2019

Shabbat Məvarkhim Parashat ʿEqev

Links to your BAN are below, on our FB page, and in your EMAIL

On Line: 'Eqev-Məvarkhim
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Shabbat Məvarkhim
Parashat ʿEqev 

Image result for ekev

24 August 2019 * 23 Av 5779
Earliest Candle Lighting: 6:17pm
Minḥa/Kabbalat-Shabbat/Arvit - 7:00pm
Candle Lighting - 7:25pm
Shaḥarit - 8:30am * Latest Shəma - 9:35am
Zohar -7:55pm * Minḥa - 7:00pm
Se’uda Shelishit / Shiur - 7:30pm 
Shəki’a - 7:41pm * Arvit - 8:21pm

Tset Hakokhavim / Havdala - 8:26pm


Yimlokh: 10:40am - All kids are welcome to join!

Dvar Torah: 10:45am - Rav Avraham Unger.

Kiddush: 11:25am - Sponsored by almoni likhvod ploni.

After Kiddush: 12:45pm - Free talk about politics and love.

Se’uda Shelishit: 5:30pm-7:00pm. Join the Bayit community to say farewell to Rabba Anat, Ariel, Yiskah, Tzruya, Na'ama Rachel, and Shira. להתראות בארץ.

Listening Room: 5:30pm with Myra Estelle at the LBM.

Parasha Limud: 4:45pm with Livya Tinestit-Weiss at the ML.

After Minḥa Mila baParasha: Understanding a word in our parasha. This week “Ul’ahava - וּלְאַהֲבָה” - What does the word mean; why are we told to “love” G-d while to “honor” our parents; What comes first “love”/“honor” or “fear-awe”; and is there a love of a child to a parent in Bible? Basic (and love of :) Hebrew is sufficient. At the 2BM. 

After Minḥa Daf baTalmud: Daf Yomi on 3FL. Temura. 

After Minḥa Shiur baHayim: Shiur in the main sanctuary. 

Next Shabbat: From Ḥazon to Ḥazzan.
Please join us as we celebrate the arrival of Rosh odesh Elul on Shabbat Aug 30-31 with a special Sephardic azzan-In-Residence featuring David Rubinstein. We will enjoy azzan David’s special melodies across Kabbalat Shabbat, Shaarit/Hallel/Musaf, and Pizmonim during Se’uda Shəlishit.

Shabbat shel Shalom!

Friday, August 16, 2019

ShabBAN Nahamu-Va'et'hanan l'Shalom

Links to your BAN are below, on our FB page, and in your EMAIL

On Line: Nahamu-Vaet'hanan 
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Shabbat Naḥamu

Image result for shabbat nachamu

Parashat Vaet’ḥanan
 17 August 2019 * 16 Av 5779
Earliest Candle Lighting: 6:27pm
Minḥa/Kabbalat-Shabbat/Arvit - 7:00pm
Candle Lighting - 7:35pm
Shaḥarit - 8:30am * Latest Shəma - 9:30am
Kiddush - 11:25am
Parasha Limud - 6:00pm
Zohar - 6:50pm * Minḥa - 6:55pm
Se’uda Shelishit / Shiur - 7:25pm 
Shəki’a - 7:53pm * Arvit - 8:33pm

Tset Hakokhavim / Havdala - 8:38pm


Dvar Torah: 10:45am - Rav Shmeul Friedman

Kiddush is sponsored by the Sigal-Molinas, Aharon, Donnard, Lupkin-Unger, Bellin-Douek, Shauloff-Zadka, and Ploni/t families in celebration of the return of the Shauloff-Zadka family to Jerusalem, Israel. להתראות בארץ. 

Farewell to Shauloff-Zadka family - Shir & Moshe, and kids Gefen, Hadas, and Shaked on their return to the Holy Land. 

Listening Room: 5:55pm with Myra Estelle at the LBM.

Parasha Limud: 6:00pm - Vaet’ḥanan. At the main lobby with Livya.

After Minḥa Mila baParasha: Understanding a word in our parasha. This week “V’Ahavta - וְאָהַבְתָּ” - What does the word mean; why are we commanded to “love” G-d while to honor our parents; why love G-d and not only fear or respect Him; and who was the first loved man by a woman in the Bible? Was it true love? Basic (and love of :) Hebrew is sufficient. At the 2BM. 

After Minḥa Daf baTalmud: Daf Yomi on 3FL. Temura. 

After Minḥa Shiur baHayim: Shiur in the main sanctuary

Shabbat shel Shalom!

Friday, August 9, 2019

ShabBAN shel Devarim-Hazon shel Shalom

Links to your BAN are below, on our FB page, and in your EMAIL

On Line: Devarim-Hazon
in your Email

Shabbat Ḥazon * Parashat Dəvarim 

10 August 2019 * 9 Av 5779
Earliest Candle Lighting: 6:33pm
Minḥa/Kabbalat-Shabbat/Arvit - 7:00pm
Candle Lighting - 7:44pm
Shaḥarit - 8:30am * Latest Shəma - 9:30am
Kiddush - 11:25am
Parasha Limud - NA
Zohar - 5:25pm * Minḥa - 5:30pm
Se’uda Shelishit - at home
Shəki’a & Fast Begins:- 8:01pm 
Tset Hakokhavim / Havdala - 8:46pm

 Arvit - 9:10pm


Dvar Torah: 10:45am - Akiva Small 

Kiddush is sponsored by the Friedman family in celebration of Kayla-Ahuva aliya to Israel. Join us for kiddush, give her your Berakhot and say להתראות בארץ. 

Fast Tish’a b’Av starts this Motsae Shabbat @ 8:01pm and ends Sunday evening @ 8:45pm. Have a meaningful and fast Fast. 


Tish’a B’Av Fast - Saturday Night to Sunday Day, August 10
Commemorating the destruction of the Temple and praying for its rebuilt.
Sacrifices TBD

Shabbat Minha: 5:30pm
Seuda Shelishit: At home
Fast begins: Saturday night at 8:01pm
Tset Hakokhavim: 8:46pm
Arvit & Migilat Eikha: Motsae Shabbat at 9:10pm 
Shaharit: Sunday at 8:00am 
Youth Program: 8:30am - 1:00pm;
Shiurim: 11:00am - 1:00pm;
Hesed Opportunity: 1:00pm - 1:45pm; 
Film Series: 2:30 - 7:10pm
Minha: Sunday at 7:00pm 
Arvit: Sunday at 8:00pm 
Fast Ends: Sunday at 8:45pm

*** Have a meaningful & fast Fast :) ***

Shabbat shel Shalom and Tsom Kal!

Friday, August 2, 2019

ShabBAN shel Matot-Masעe haShalom

Links to your BAN are below, on our FB page, and in your EMAIL

On Line:  Matot-Mas'e
in your Email

Parashat Matot-Masעe
3 August 2019 * 2 Av 5779

Candle Lighting - 7:53pm
Earliest Candle Lighting: 6:40pm
Minḥa/Kabbalat-Shabbat/Arvit - 7:00pm
Shaḥarit - 8:30am * Latest Shəma - 9:27am
Kiddush - 11:25am
Parasha Limud - 6:35pm
Zohar - 7:25pm * Minḥa - 7:30pm
Se’uda Shelishit / Shiur - 8:00pm 
Shəki’a - 8:10pm * Arvit - 8:50pm
Tset Hakokhavim / Havdala - 8:55pm


Təfilat ‘Erev Shabbat @7:00pm 

Shaḥarit @ 8:30am

Dvar Torah: 10:45am - Rav Tov

Kiddush is sponsored by Debbie & Gil Boosidan in memory of Debbie’s father: Shlomo Ben Bina Feldlaufer z”l. 

Listening Room: 6:00pm with Myra Estelle at the LBM.

Parasha Limud: 6:35pm - Balaq. At the main lobby with Livya.

After Minḥa Mila baParasha: Understanding a word in our parasha. This week “Kalev ben Yefune - כָּלֵב בֶּן-יְפֻנֶּה” - What does the name mean; is it related to kelev, a dog; who was his father; and was he the first zionist? Basic (and love of) Hebrew is sufficient. At the 2BM.

After Minḥa Daf baTalmud: Daf Yomi on 3FL. Temura. 

After Minḥa Shiur baHayim: Shiur in the main sanctuary.

Shabbat shel Shalom and Blessings for odesh Av of Comfort, Building, and Growth!