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Tizku l’Shanim Rabot v’Tovot!

Friday, June 7, 2019

Shabbat Mo'adim L'Simha Bemidbar haShalom

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Shabbat Parashat Bəmidbar

49 to the Omer

8 June 2019 * 5 Sivan 5779

Shabbat of Arab & Muslim Lands’ Jewry: Remembering the Farhud and Departure of 1 million Jews from North Africa and Middle East countries.

Candle Lighting @ 8:07pm

Təfilat ‘Erev Shabbat @7:00pm

Shaḥarit @ 8:30am

Parasha: 9:45am

Dvar Torah: 10:40am - Rav Dov Lerea.

● “Uprooted”- A Talk with Efrayim-Jeff Klepper @ 11:15am: As we remember the Farhud, the pogrom in Baghdadi Jews on Shavuot 1941, we will hear about the mid 20th century exodus of Jews from Arab & Muslim Lands. Talk is dedicated in memory of Malka Lesman-Kaplan’s father, Shmuel ben Hirsch Mordechai Halevi z”l.

Kiddush is sponsored by Malka Lesman-Kaplan in memory of her father, Shmuel ben Hirsch Mordechai Halevi z”l.


Shabbat shel Shalom and Mo'adim L'Simha!

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