Support Beth Aharon

Supporting Beth Aharon: Online: Click this link: donate on-line By mail: Please write checks to: Congregation Beth Aharon. Mail to Cong. Beth Aharon / HIR, 3700 Henry Hudson Parkway, Bronx, NY 10463. Drop-off: At the Beth Aharon’s mail box at the HIR office. Annual Membership: Family - $575; Couple $450; Individual - $275. Tizku l’Shanim Rabot v’Tovot!

Tuesday, October 30, 2018

BA 20th Anniversary Dinner - Sunday Nov 4


יברך את בית ישראל יברך את בית אהרן

Join Congregation Beth Aharon 20th Anniversary Dinner,
As we celebrate 2 decades of thriving activity in Riverdale & the Bayit.

Please don't miss this great opportunity of 
Celebration and Support,
As we acknowledge and give honor to 

The First-Year Founders of our Congregation:

Rav Selim Dweck z”l and the Dweck Family
Aharon & Ziva Shalomof and Family
Rav Dov & Nancy Lerea
Maurice & Tzipora Elmalem
Dan & Myriam Sebbah
Kobi & Yehudit Zalicha

And give our Thanks to 

Rav Avi & Toby Weiss

Date: Sunday, November 4th @ 5:30pm
Location: The Riverdale Bayit Social Hall

Check your email for formal Invitation & Registration & Journal entry

Ethnic Attire or Formal Attire
Live Music Mizrahi Entertainment with Avi Peretz
Henna Artist
Good Eats
Acknowledging the Founders 
Dance & Joy

Further inquiries to:

Looking forward to seeing you all!

ויטע בניכם אהבה ואחוה שלום ורעות

Beth Aharon Board & Beyond

Friday, October 26, 2018

ShabBAN Vayera b'Shalom

Links to your BAN are below, on our FB page, and in your EMAIL

On Line: Vayera 5779

and in your Email

Shabbat Parashat Vayera וַיֵּרָא

תוצאת תמונה עבור וַיֵּרָא

27 October 2018 * 18 Ḥeshvan 5779
Candle Lighting - 5:42pm
Minḥa/Kabbalat- Shabbat/Arvit - 5:52pm
Shaḥarit - 8:30am * Latest Shəma - 9:59am
Kiddush - 11:25am
Listening Room: 4:00pm
Parasha Limud - 4:50pm
Zohar - 5:15pm * Minḥa - 5:20pm
Shiur & Səuda Shəlishit - 5:50pm
Shəki’a - 6:01pm * Arvit - 6:38pm

Tset Hakokhavim /Havdala - 6:43pm

Join & Support Beth Aharon
20th Anniversary Dinner- Sunday, November 4!!!

Dvar Torah: 10:45am - Rav Dov Lerea

Kiddush: 11:25am - Potluck kiddush is sponsored by YOU! All processed foods must be store-sealed marked kosher.

Before Minḥa @ 5:00pm - Parsha Limud: Vayera @ 2BM.

After Minḥa Mila baParasha: Understanding a word in our parasha. This week “‘Yisthak - יִּצְחָק”: What does the word mean; why does midat haGevura is being atttributed to him; who else can be attributed with Gevura? Basic (and love of) Hebrew is sufficient. At 2BM.

After Minḥa Daf baTalmud: Daf Yomi with Eli Oberstein on 3FL. Menahot.

After Minḥa Shiur baHayim: ibur @ Se’uda Sh’lishit & the social Hall.

Shabbat shel Shalom & Stav Tov!

Friday, October 19, 2018

ShabBAN Leh Lekha l'Shalom

Links to your BAN are below, on our FB page, and in your EMAIL

On Line: Lekh Lekha 5779

and in your Email

Shabbat Parashat Lekh Lekha

20 October 2018 * 11 Ḥeshvan 5779
Candle Lighting - 5:52pm
Minḥa/Kabbalat- Shabbat/Arvit - 6:02pm
Shaḥarit - 8:30am * Latest Shəma - 9:56am
Kiddush - 11:25am
Listening Room: 4:10pm
Parasha Limud - 4:50pm
Zohar - 5:25pm * Minḥa - 5:30pm
Shiur & Səuda Shəlishit - 6:00pm
Shəki’a - 6:10pm * Arvit - 6:48pm

Tset Hakokhavim /Havdala - 6:53pm

Join & Support Beth Aharon
20th Anniversary Dinner- Sunday, November 4!!!

Dvar Torah: 10:45am - Rav Dov Lerea

Kiddush: 11:25am - Potluck kiddush is sponsored by YOU, and ....! All processed foods must be store-sealed marked kosher.

Before Minḥa @ 4:50pm - Parsha Limud: Lekh Lekha @ 2BM.

After Minḥa Mila baParasha: Understanding a word in our parasha. This week “‘Yisthak - יִּצְחָק”: What does the word mean; is it always good to laugh; and who laughed first? Basic (and love of) Hebrew is sufficient. At 2BM.

After Minḥa Daf baTalmud: Daf Yomi with Eli Oberstein on 3FL. Menahot.

Mazal Tov to the Chamides family on Noam Bar-Mitsva.

After Minḥa Shiur baHayim: Shiur @ the Main Sanctuary with Rabbinic Intern Noah Aronin, “If you see something, do you really need to say something?” ”.

Shabbat shel Shalom & Stav Tov!

Friday, October 12, 2018

ShabBAN Shlaom to Nowah and the Raven

Links to your BAN are below, on our FB page, and in your EMAIL

On Line: Nowah 5779

and in your Email

Shabbat Parashat Nowaḥ

13 October 2018 * 4 Ḥeshvan 5779
Candle Lighting -6:02pm
Minḥa/Kabbalat- Shabbat/Arvit - 6:12pm
Shaḥarit - 8:30am * Latest Shəma - 9:53am
Kiddush - 11:25am
Parasha Limud - 5:00pm
Zohar - 5:35pm * Minḥa - 5:40pm
Shiur & Səuda Shəlishit - 7:20pm
Shəki’a - 6:19pm * Arvit - 6:59pm
Tset Hakokhavim /Havdala - 7:04pm


Dvar Torah: 10:45am - Rav Dov Lerea

Kiddush: 11:25am - kiddush is sponsored by the Danny Chemeides family in honor and celebration of Noam’s Bar-Mitsva.

Before Minḥa @ 5:00pm - Parsha Limud: Bəreshit @ 2BM.

After Minḥa Mila baParasha: Understanding a word in our parasha. This week
“‘Orev - עוֹרֵב”: is it a crow, a raven, a rook, or a jackdaw; what was its color; and was
he or she destined to fail? Basic (and love of) Hebrew is sufficient. At 2BM.

After Minḥa Daf baTalmud: Daf Yomi with Eli Oberstein on 3FL. Menahot.

After Minḥa Shiur baHayim: Conversation @ the Main Sanctuary with Rav Benny Lau with Rav Steven and Rabba Anat: “Challenges of the Modern Israeli Rabbi - What Have We Achieved and What Remains?”.

Shabbat shel Shalom & Stav Tov!

Friday, October 5, 2018

ShabBAN Mevarkhim Bereshit shel Shalom

Links to your BAN are below, on our FB page, and in your EMAIL

and in your Email

Shabbat Məvarkhim * Parashat Bəreshit

October 6, 2018 * 27 Tishre 5779
Candle Lighting - 6:13pm
Minḥa/Kabbalat- Shabbat/Arvit - 6:20pm
Shaḥarit - 8:30am * Latest Shəma - 9:50am
Kiddush - 11:25am
Parasha Limud - 5:00pm
Zohar - 5:45pm * Minḥa - 5:50pm
Shiur & Səuda Shəlishit - 7:20pm
Shəki’a - 6:30pm * Arvit - 7:10pm

Tset Hakokhavim /Havdala - 7:15pm


Shabbat Məvarkhim Rosh Hodesh Heshvan is this coming Tuesday & Wednesday - October 9th & 10th. Hodesh Tov!

Dvar Torah: 10:45am - Rav Dov Lerea

Kiddush: 11:25am - Bəreshit kiddush is sponsored by our Simat Torah atanim: Jeffrey-Nissim & Gloria Mosseri, Doron & Melanie Fagelson, Ariel & Yael Douek.

Before Minḥa @ 5:00pm - Parsha Limud: Bəreshit @ 2BM.

After Minḥa Mila baParasha: Understanding a word in our parasha. This week “Et haShamayim v’Et HaArets - אֵת הַשָּׁמַיִם וְאֵת הָאָרֶץ”: is one a male and the other a female; and who was created first? Basic (and love of) Hebrew is sufficient. At 2BM.

After Minḥa Daf baTalmud: Daf Yomi with Eli Oberstein on 3FL. Menahot.

After Minḥa Shiur baHayim: Shiur @ the Main Sanctuary with Daniel Langer “The first days of Creation, a Scientific and Rabbinic Perspective”.

Beth Aharon 20th Anniversary Celebration Dinner: Sunday November 4th, @ 5:30pm @ the Bayit - Details inside the BAN and in your email.

Shabbat shel Shalom & Stav Tov!