Support Beth Aharon

Supporting Beth Aharon:

On-Line: Click this Link: Donate On-Line

By mail: Please write checks to: Congregation Beth Aharon.

Mail to Cong. Beth Aharon / HIR, 3700 Henry Hudson Parkway, Bronx, NY 10463.

Drop-off: At the Beth Aharon’s mail box at the HIR office.

Annual Membership: Family - $500; Individual - $250.

Tizku l’Shanim Rabot v’Tovot!

Friday, September 13, 2024

ShabBAN Ki-Tetse LeShalom

Attached is The BAN in PDF Also available in your email 

and online here: Parashat Ki-Tetse

abat Paraṡat Ki-Teże
14 September 2024 * 11 Ḣodeṡ Elul 5784
י”א אלול התשפ”ד

Hadlaqat Nerot abat - 6:49pm

ir Haṡirim - 6:45pm

Minḣa/Qabalat abat/Ȯrvit - 6:59pm

aḣarit - 8:45am * Latest emaȯ - 9:43am
Devar Torah - 10:45am
Dvar Torah Rav Dov Lerea on Ki-Tetese and Mitzvot Protecting Against Abuse of Power.

Siyum Masekhet - 11:35am - Before  kiddush. Aharon Charlie Hall will share with us the mitsva of Siyum Masekhet Maaser Sheni, Yerushalmi Talmud. 

Qiduṡ - 11:30am

Qidush this shabbat kiddush is sponsored by Paula Sinclair & Aharon Charlie Hall, in celebration of Siyum Masekhet Yerushalmi Talmud Maaser Sheni, in memory of Aharon’s parents' recent yahrzeits, Edward & Elizabeth Hall, may their memory be for blessing.

Learning B4 Minha: Reading & Learning Parashat Hashavua @ 6:00pm w/ Tsuri.

Table Conversations - 12:30pm

Minḣa Gedola - 1:22pm

Paraṡa Ṡiȯur - 6:00pm
Minḣa - 6:30pm

Ṡiȯur & Seȯudonet Ṡeliit - 7:00pm Seuda Shelishit is sponsored by Zvi & Ilene Paikin in honor of Hashem. 
Mila baParasha after Minḣa: Understanding a word in the parasha. This week: “Qan Tsipor-קַן צִפּור.” What does the word mean; what is the rationale of this mitsva; and will doing it bring Mashiaḣ? Basic (and love of :) Hebrew is sufficient.

Ṡeqiȯa - 7:05pm * Ȯrvit - 7:40pm

Żet Hakok̇avim / Havdala - 7:50pm
Ṡabat ṡel Ṡalom!

Friday, September 6, 2024

Shabbat Shoftim leShalom!

Attached is The BAN in PDF

Also available in your email 

and online here: Parashat Shofetim

Šabat Parašat Shofetim
7 September 2024 * 4 Ḣodeṡ Elul 5784
ד’ אלול התשפ”ד

Earliest Candles Lighting - 5:58pm

Official Hadlaqat Nerot abat Time - 7:01pm

ir Haṡirim - 6:45pm

Minḣa/Qabalat abat/Ȯrvit - 7:00pm
aḣarit - 8:45am * Latest emaȯ - 9:40am
Devar Torah - 10:45am
Dvar Torah on the Parasha and beyond.
Qiduṡ - 11:30am Qidush this shabbat is In-Shul Rosh-Hodesh Elul Kiddush. We will enjoy cholents and salads made by our skilled community members at the Bayit’s kitchen. Everyone else is welcomed to contribute by bringing side foods, like cookies and/or fruits, etc. All processed foods must be store-sealed marked-kosher.
Table Conversations - 12:30pm

Minḣa Gedola - 1:28pm
Parasha Shiur - 6:00pm

Learning B4 Minha: Reading Parashat Hashavua, learning hagaya ivrit and teamim @ 6:00pm w/ Tsuri.
Minḣa - 6:40pm Shiur After Minha with Rabbi Shmuel Hain Ir Miklat: a New/Ancient Teshuvah Paradigm, at the MNS.    
Ṡiȯur & Seȯudonet Ṡeliit - 7:10pm

Mila baParasha after Minḣa: Understanding a word in the parasha. This week: “Elul-אֱלוּל.” What does the word mean; and is it connected to ȯolal-עוֹלָל, an infant, and to ȯalila, a plot?  Basic (and love of :) Hebrew is sufficient. Ṡeqiȯa - 7:17pm * Ȯrvit - 7:52pm

Żet Hakok̇avim / Havdala - 8:02pm

Ṡabat ṡel Ṡalom!

Tuesday, September 3, 2024

Beth Aharon High Holidays & Membership 5785 - Information & Flyer Attached

Congregation Beth Aharon @ The Bayit


Keeping Our Years Long Tradition :)
Beth Aharon welcomes all to Join us for HIGH HOLIDAYS 5785 Tefilot

Services will be led b"H by Rav Tomer Ronen and Assisting Hazanim 

in traditional Sephardic melodies, unique to Beth Aharon

Place: The BAyit - The Hebrew Institute of Riverdale (HIR)

@ Bet Tefilat Aharon @ the Lower Level Bet Midrash

3700 Henry Hudson Parkway, Bronx NY 10463

Rosh Hashana: Wed Evening - Oct. 2nd and Thur & Fri – Oct. 3rd & 4th

Yom Kippur: Erev Shabbat - Oct. 11th and Shabbat Day - Oct. 12th

High Holidays Seats - Suggested Donation & Fees

High Holidays & Membership

* Patron - $1800 * Sponsor - $1250 * Family - $950 

* Single - $500/adult + $75 /child

High Holidays Only

* Both Holidays - $450 per family or $275 per adult / $75 per child

* One Holiday - $275 per family or $175 per adult / $50 per child

Congregation Beth Aharon Membership:

* Annual Membership - $575 Family / $450 Couple / $275 Single


Making a Payment

Online: Please click here: Pay Online or log in to

* Please consider adding a 2% Credit Card processing fee. 

Drop-off: Checks may be dropped off at Beth Aharon mail box at the HIR office. 

By Mail: Write checks to Congregation Beth Aharon. Mail to: Cong. Beth Aharon / HIR, 

3700 Henry Hudson Parkway, Bronx, NY 10463

* Do you want to join our email listing? Email your information to 

* It is our long tradition not to issue tickets and not to assign seats. Your seat payment helps ensure that the inspiring tefilot and tradition of Beth Aharon @ The Bayit continue.

* For payment plan or rate reduction please email us to

* Young couples / Students - may inquire about a special rate.

Thank You!

~ Prayer Schedule to Follow ~

Tizku LeMitsvot * Shana Tova