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Friday, March 31, 2023

ShabBAN Tsav Shalom Gadol lePesah

The BAN is available in your email and online, here:

Click to Read Online: Parashat Tsav Shabbat Hagadol Pesah 

Šabat Hagadol * Parašat Ṡaw * Pesaḥ

1 April 2023 * 10 Ḣodeš Nisan 5783

י’ ניסן התשפ”ג

Earliest Candle Lighting Time - 6:00pm

Candle Lighting Official Time - 7:01pm

Šir Haširim - 6:45pm

Minḣa / Qabalat Šabat / Ȯrvit - 7:00pm

Šaḣarit (Qorbanot) - 8:45am

Latest Šəmaȯ - 9:49am

Dəvar Torah - 10:45am

Dvar Torah: by Rav Dov Lerea on the parasha and beyond.

Qiduš - 11:45pm

Qiddush this shabbat is sponsored by the Ouaknine, Neuwirth, and Marciano family in Memory of their father Meir ben Rahel, zikhro livrakha.

Open Word - 12:30pm - A Free Talk about Israel’s Democracy and a short Parasha Word:

Parent-Child Limud at 5:45pm at the 2nd Floor Bet Midrash with light eats and fun learnings

Parasha Limud at 6:00pm - learning Teamim and Parasha reading w/ Tsuri

Seuda Shelishit this Shabbat is sponsored by Shoshi of Hamakolet in memory of her father, David ben Simḣa, zikhro livrakha.

Minḣa - 6:30pm

Šabat Hagadol Deraša w/ Rav Aharon-Steven Exler - 7:00pm: “Who’s In Your Ḣavura? Inclusiveness - and its Resistances - from the Korban Pesaḥ to the Seder to Today”

Šəqiȯa - 7:20pm * Ȯarvit - 8:00pm

Ṡet Hakok̇avim / Havdala - 8:05pm

Šabat Šel Šalom Gadol!

Friday, March 24, 2023

ShabBAN Vayiqra Shalom and Hodesh Tov!


The BAN is available in your email and online, here:

Click to Read Online: Parashat Vayiqra Shalom

Šabat Torat-Kohanim * Parašat Vayiqra 

25 March 2023 * 3 Ḣodeš Nisan 5783 

ג’ ניסן התשפ”ג

Earliest Candle Lighting Time - 5:55pm

Candle Lighting Official Time - 6:54pm

Šir Haširim - 6:45pm @ Lower Level Bet Midrash

Minḣa / Qabalat Šabat / Ȯrvit - 7:00pm

Šaḣarit (Qorbanot) - 8:45am @ 2FL Bet Midrash

Latest Šəmaȯ - 9:56am

Dəvar Torah - 10:45am

Qiduš - 11:45pm

Qiddush this shabbat is co-sponsored by Myriam Elefant in commemoration of the 28th Azkara of her grandmother Saada bat Esther z”l.

Hilk̇ot Pesaḣ - 5:30pm - @ Lower Level Bet Midrash
Hilkhot Pesa Shiur with Rav Dov Lerea will take place before Minḣa at 5:30pm, along with some light eats.

Every year for over 3300 years we are preparing our homes and souls for Passover, Pesaḣ. And every year we have new, but also the same, questions.

~ Please join Beth Aharon & Rav Dov to ask and listeN ~

Zohar - 6:35pm / Minḣa - 6:40pm

Səȯuda Šəlišit & Šiȯur - 7:10pm

Šəqiȯa - 7:13pm * Ȯarvit - 7:48pm

Ṡet Hakok̇avim / Havdala - 7:58pm

Šabat Šel Šalom & Ḣodeš Nisan Tov!

Friday, March 17, 2023

ShabBAN Vayaqhel-Pequde Mevarkhim HaHodesh LeShalom

The BAN is available in your email and online, here:

Click to Read Online: Parashat Vayaqhel-Pequde

Šabat Mevark̇im haḢodeš * Parašat Vayaqhel-Pequde

18 March 2023 * 25 Ḣodeš Adar 5783 

כ”ה אדר התשפ”ג

Candle Lighting Official Time - 6:46pm

Šir Haširim - 6:46pm

Minḣa / Qabalat Šabat / Ȯrvit - 6:56pm

Šaḣarit (Qorbanot) - 8:45am

Latest Šəmaȯ - 10:03am

Dəvar Torah - 10:45am

Dvar Torah: by Rav Dov Lerea on the parasha and beyond.

Qiduš - 11:45pm

Qiddush this shabbat is sponsored by Lerone & Jonathan Yerushalmi in memory of Jonathan’s grandmother, Sinaitour bat Shokrolah, and Lerone's grandmother, Gohar bat Mazal, zikhronan livrakha.

Parent-Child Limud at 5:25pm at the 2nd Floor Bet Midrash with light eats and fun learnings.

Zohar - 6:30pm

Minḣa - 6:35pm

Səȯuda Šəlišit & Šiȯur - 7:05pm

Mila baParasha: after Minḥa at the LLBM, along with light seuda shelishit and a shabbat song. This week “Mishkan-מִשְׁכָּן” - what were the colors of the mishkan; what is its purpose on earth; and why to “dwell” and “neighbor” share the same Hebrew root: shin.kaf.nun. Basic and love of Hebrew is sufficient.

Šəqiȯa - 7:05pm * Ȯarvit - 7:45pm

Ṡet Hakok̇avim / Havdala - 7:50pm

Šabat Šel Šalom!

Friday, March 10, 2023

ShabBAN Ki-Tisa Para shel Shalom :)


The BAN is available in your email and online, here:

Click to Read Online: Parashat Ki-Tisa Para

Šabat Para * Parašat Ki-Tisa


Guest Speaker

Rabbi Sjimon Den Hollander

11 March 2023 * 18 Ḥodeš Adar 5783 

י”ח אדר התשפ”ג

Candle Lighting Official Time - 5:39pm

Šir Haširim - 5:39pm

Minḥa / Qabalat Šabat / Ọrvit - 5:49pm

Šaḥarit (Qorbanot) - 8:45am

Latest Šəmaọ - 9:10am

Dəvar Torah - 10:45am

Rabbi Sjimon Den Hollander on the Parasha

RSVP Luncheon & Talk - 12:15pm
A Talk with Rabbi Sjimon Den Hollander on Jewish-Muslim Dialogue:

Historical and Contemporary Contexts.

Zohar - 5:00pm / Minḥa - 5:05pm

Səọuda Šəlišit & Šiọur - 5:35pm

Seouda Shelishit & Shiur with Rabbi Sjimon Den Hollander

on a New Theory of the Doubling of Hebrew Consonants

Šəqiọa - 5:58pm

Ọarvit - 6:38pm

Ṣet Hakokhavim / Havdala - 6:43pm

Šabat Para Šel Šalom!

Friday, March 3, 2023

Shabbat Luncheon & Talk with Rabbi Sjimon Den Hollander

 Beth Aharon and the HIR Annual Guest Speaker Shabbat Parashat Ki Tisa-Para March 11th-Shevat 18th


Rabbi Sjimon Den Hollander

Rabbi Sjimon den Hollander was born in 1960 in the Netherlands and moved to New York City in 2000.

Rabbi Sjimon holds an MA in Arabic and Islamology from the Rijksuniversiteit of Leiden, a B.Ed. from Ichthus College Rotterdam, and has rabbinic ordination from Yeshiva University.

Rabbi Sjimon teaches medieval Jewish literature at Hunter College and Jewish philosophy at Congregation Shearith Israel.

sdh-web-head_10 (2).jpg    sdh-web-head_10 (3).jpg

12:15pm: A Talk with Shabbat Luncheon


Jewish-Muslim Dialogue: Historical and Contemporary Contexts.

Pre-registration for luncheon is required. Good Sephardic Cuisine of Sova Catering with Vegan, Vegetarian and Glutenfrian options. 


$108/family; $36/adult (age 18 and up); $18/child (ages 4-17)

5:35pm: Seouda Shelishit & Shiur on a New Theory of the Doubling of Hebrew Consonants

Register Today at:

Thursday, March 2, 2023

ShabBAN Tetsave-Zakhor Shalom and Purim Sameyah :)

The BAN is available in your email and online, here:

Click to Read Online: Parashat Tetsave-Zakhor

Šabat Zaḳor * Parašat Teṣave

4 March 2023 * 11 Ḥodeš Adar 5783 

י”א אדר התשפ”ג 

Candle Lighting Official Time - 5:31pm

Šir Haširim - 5:31pm

Minḥa / Qabalat Šabat / Ọrvit - 5:41pm

Šaḥarit (Qorbanot) - 8:45am

Latest Šəmaọ - 9:16am

Dəvar Torah - 10:45am

Dvar Torah: by Rav Dov Lerea on the Parasha

Qiduš - 11:45pm
 CSS Qidush - This shabbat we will join the Bayit kiddush, as we publicly support and thank our dedicated CSS team, the Community Security Service volunteers. Please show your support by co-sponsoring the Qidush. Thank you.

Click to DONATE HERE. In snow, rain, extreme heat and freezing cold our dedicated team stand outside our Bayit, carrying out the CSS mission of protecting both Jewish life and the Jewish way of life

Zohar - 5:10pm / Minḥa - 5:15pm

Səọuda Šəlišit & Šiọur - 5:45pm
Mila baParasha: after Minḥa at the LLBM. This week “Esther-אֶסְתֵּר and Vashti-וַשְׁתִּי ” - what does their name mean; why was Vashti disobedient; and why was Esther obedient? Basic (and love of :) Hebrew is sufficient. Along with seuda shelishit and a shabbat song.

Šəqiọa - 5:50pm * Ọarvit - 6:30pm

Ṣet Hakokhavim / Havdala - 6:35pm

Šabat Šel Šalom and Purim Samaya!