Support Beth Aharon

Supporting Beth Aharon: Online: Click this link: donate on-line By mail: Please write checks to: Congregation Beth Aharon. Mail to Cong. Beth Aharon / HIR, 3700 Henry Hudson Parkway, Bronx, NY 10463. Drop-off: At the Beth Aharon’s mail box at the HIR office. Annual Membership: Family - $575; Couple $450; Individual - $275. Tizku l’Shanim Rabot v’Tovot!

Friday, December 29, 2023

ShabBAN Mevarkhim Shemot beShalom

 Attached is The BAN
available in your email and online here:

Shabbat ٍMevarkhim Parashat Shemot

abat Mevark̇im Paraṡat Ṡemot

6 January 2024 * 25 Ḣodeṡ Tevet 5784 

כ”ה טבת התשפ”ד


Hadlaqat Nerot abat - 4:24pm

ir Haṡirim - 4:24pm

Minḣa/Qabalat abat/Ȯrvit - 4:34pm

aḣarit (Qorbanot) - 8:45am

Latest emaȯ - 9:41am 

Dvar Torah - 10:45am

Dvar Torah: On the Parasha and/or Haftara

Qidu - 11:45pm

Potluck kiddush this shabbat. Please add something to the pot.

All processed foods must be store-sealed, marked kosher

Table Conversations - 12:00pm 

Minḣa - 4:10pm

Seȯuda Ṡeliit & Ṡiȯur - 4:40pm

Mila baParaa - 4:40pm Mila baParasha - after minḥa at the LLBM, with Tsuri. Looking at a word in our parasha. This week “ׂamatah-אֲמָתָהּ” - what does the word mean; the hand of Pharaoh's daughter; or her her maid, or else? Basic (and love of :) Hebrew is sufficient.

Ṡeqiȯa - 4:43pm
Ȯarvit - 5:18pm

Xet Hakok̇avim / Havdala - 5:28pm

Ṡabat Ṡel Ṡalom!

Friday, December 22, 2023

ShabBAN Vayigash leShalom!

Attached is The BAN
available in your email and online here:

Shabbat ٍParashat Vayigash

abat Paraṡat VaYigash

23 December 2023 * 11 Ḣodeṡ Tevet 5784 

י”א טבת התשפ”ד

Tsom Ȯsara beTevet starts - 6:05am
Hadlaqat Nerot abat - 4:13pm

ir Haṡirim - 4:13pm

Minḣa/Qabalat abat/Ȯrvit - 4:23pm
Tsom Ȯsara beTevet ends - 5:11pm
aḣarit (Qorbanot) - 8:45am

Latest emaȯ - 9:36am 

Dvar Torah - 10:45am

Dvar Torah: On the Parasha or Haftara.

Qidu - 11:45pm

Qidush: This Shabbat kiddush is sponsored by Jonathan Yeroushalmi “with my deep gratitude to Hashem and in honor of my beloved Lerone and our two year anniversary and the anniversary of me becoming the luckiest man on earth."
Table Conversations - 12:00pm 

Minḣa - 4:00pm

Seȯuda Ṡeliit & Šiȯur - 4:30pm

Mila baParaa - 4:30pm

Mila baParasha - after minḥa at the LLBM, with Tsuri. Looking at a word in our parasha. This week “ׂal-tirgezu-אַל-תִּרְגְּזוּ” - what did Yosef mean to say when he told his brothers al-tirgezu; and when was the last time that you got angry? Basic (and love of :) Hebrew is sufficient.

Ṡeqiȯa - 4:32pm
Ȯarvit - 5:07pm

Xet Hakok̇avim / Havdala - 5:17pm

Ṡabat Ṡel Ṡalom!

Friday, December 15, 2023

ShabBAN Miqets HaShalom!

 Attached is The BAN
available in your email and online here:

Shabbat ٍParashat Miqets

abat Paraṡat Miqeṫ

16 December 2023 * 4 Ḣodeṡ Tevet 5784 

ד’ טבת התשפ”ד

Shabbat Candles Lighting - 4:11pm

ir Haṡirim - 4:11pm

Minḣa/Qabalat abat/Ȯrvit - 4:21pm

aḣarit (Qorbanot) - 8:45am

Latest emaȯ - 9:31am 

Dvar Torah - 10:45am

Qidu - 11:45pm

This Shabbat POTLUCK kiddush. Please bring 1 or 2 items: fruits, vegetables, cookies, snacks, dips... All processed foods must be store-sealed, marked kosher.

Chairless Conversations - 12:00pm 

Minḣa - 4:00pm

Seȯuda Ṡeliit & Šiȯur - 4:30pm

Mila baParaa - 4:30pm Mila baParasha - after minḥa at the LLBM with Tsuri: Understanding a word in our parasha. This week “ׂḢalom -חֲלוֹם” - the meaning of the word mean, then and now. Basic (and love of :) Hebrew is sufficient

Ṡeqiȯa - 4:29pm
Ȯarvit - 5:03pm

et Hakok̇avim / Havdala - 5:13pm

Ṡabat Ṡel Ṡalom and
Ḣodeṡ Tov

Sunday, December 10, 2023

BA @ The Bayit Hanuka Celebration 5784 - Thank You All!

Thank you all for joining us for a warm-feeling and well-lit Ḣanuka Celebration 

Special thanks

To Yael for assisting from Alef to Tav
To Roberta for amazing best Trivia in town, and sound :)
To Ari for the best short IDF-Gaza War film
To Rabbanit Bracha for Dvar Hanuka
To Zeev-Wayne for most competitive dreidel competition
To Kobi, Shoshana, Akiva-Andy, Sara, Rochelle, and Judy Z, for support
To Hamaholet and Corner for good eats
To Yalli for coordination and sprinkles
To BA Board Members and the BAyit Leadership for support 

To the A-Team: Bryan, Elmer, Jeo, Chico, Rosa, for an-always amazing job 

Last but not least, to all BAnners & Friends who joined us for a celebration of
Light & Victory!

Shavua Tov!

May we all have Ḣag Ḣanuka shel Or!

Friday, December 8, 2023

ShabBAN Mevarkhim Ḣanuka Vayeṡev b'Shalom


Attached is The BAN
available in your email and online here:

Shabbat ٍHanuka Parashat Vayeshev

abat Mevark̇im Ḣanuka Paraṡat Vayeṡev

9 December 2023 * 26 Ḣodeṡ Kislev 5784 

כ”ו כסלו התשפ”ד

Nerot Ḣanuka - Before Shabbat Candles
Shabbat Candles Lighting - 4:10pm

ir Haṡirim - 4:10pm

Minḣa/Qabalat abat/Ȯrvit - 4:10pm

aḣarit (Qorbanot) - 8:45am

Latest emaȯ - 9:23am 

Dvar Torah - 10:45am Dvar Torah: Reb Andy-Akiva Small on Bringing a Utopian and G-dly Vision of The World Through Beautifying the Mitzvot of Hanukkah.

Qidu - 11:45pm This Shabbat kiddush is co-sponsored by the Small family in memory of Akiva-Andy’s father Tzvi Moshe be Avraham Mordechai, on his 19th yahrtzeit; and by Elyorah Lieberman and Sarah Leah, “in memory of our beloved Father and Grandfather, Rabbi Zvulun Lieberman ZT”L – Zvulun ben Hillel and Yehudit.”
Chairless Conversations - 12:00pm 

Minḣa - 4:00pm

Seȯuda Ṡeliit & Šiȯur - 4:30pm Mila baParaa - 4:30pm

Mila baParasha - after minḥa at the LLBM with Tsuri: Understanding a word in our parasha. This week “Dreidel -דְרֵיְדֶל” - what does the word mean; what it became a anuka game; and what 4 letters appear on it? Basic (and love of :) Hebrew is sufficient.

Ṡeqiȯa - 4:28pm
Ȯarvit - 5:03pm

et Hakok̇avim / Havdala - 5:13pm Beth Aharon Hanuka Celebration 5784 @ 6:30pm

Ṡabat Ṡel Ṡalom

Wednesday, December 6, 2023

Beth Aharon Ḣanuka Celebration 5784

Join Beth Aharon Ḣanuka Celebration 5784
Motsash, Saturday night, 
Ner Shelishi shel Ḣanuka – 27 Kislev, December 9 @ 6:30pm 
@ the Bayit's social hall 

Adults, Kids, Families - Are all Welcomed!

* Arts & Crafts for kids (some edible)
* Dreidel Competition 
* Makabim Trivia 
* Hanuka Sing-Along 
* Sufganiyot, Latkes, Light Good Eats 
* With a prayer for Return and Safety and Victory and Peace 

Registration: Check your email for an Evite 
To get an evite link, please email:
Adults (age 13 and up) $18; kids (ages 4-12) $12; Family $56 

Donation at the Door or Here: Donate On-Line 

All BAnners and Friends are welcome! 

May we all have Ḣag Ḣanuka shel Or!

Friday, December 1, 2023

ShabBAN Vayishlah L'Shalom!


Attached is The BAN
available in your email and online here:

Shabbat ٍParashat Vayishlah

Šabat Parašat Vayišla

2 December 2023 * 19 Ḣodeš Kislev 5784 

י”ט כסלו התשפ”ד

Candle Lighting Time - 4:11pm

Šir Haširim - 4:11pm

Minḣa/Qabalat Šabat/Ȧrvit - 4:21pm BA or HIR

Šaḣarit (Qorbanot) - 8:45am

Latest Šemaȧ - 9:23am 

Dvar Torah - 10:45am

Dvar Torah: Rav Yonah Berman on the Parasha.

Qiduš - 11:45pm

This Shabbat kiddush is in honor of the Simḣat Torah Ḣatanim: Maurice Elmalem and Ari Oshinsky and Uriel Rosado, and sponsored by Tzipi & Maurice, Yael & Ari, Uriel and Friends.
Chairless Conversations - 12:00pm 
After Kiddush, for those who care, a free talk on things that matter or not.

Minḣa - 4:00pm

Seȧuda Šelišit & Šiȧur - 4:30pm

Mila baParaša - 4:30pm

Mila baParasha - after minḥa: Understanding a word in our parasha. This week “ׂAḣaronim - אַחֲרוֹנִים” - what does the word mean; who was last, Raḣel or Leah, or both; and can the last one be also the first one? Basic (and love of :) Hebrew is sufficient.

Šeqiȧa - 4:28pm
Ȧarvit - 5:03pm

Ṡet Hakok̇avim / Havdala - 5:13pm

Šabat Šel Šalom