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Friday, April 29, 2022

ShabBAN Mevarkhim Parashat Aḥare-Mot l'Shalom


The BAN is available in your email and here online

Online: Parashat Ahare-Mot Mevarkhim

Shabbat Mevarkhim * Parashat Aḥare-Mot

30 April 2022 * 29 Ḥodesh Nisan 5782

כ"ט ניסן התשפ”ב * Omer 14

Earliest Candle Lighting - 6:23pm

Candle Lighting Official Time - 7:32pm 

Shir Hashirim - 6:45pm
Minḥa/QabalatShabbat/Arvit - 6:55pm 

Cholent Kiddush - 7:45pm

Shaḥarit (Qorbanot) - 8:45am

Latest Shəma‘ - 9:42am

Dvar Torah @ 11:00 or so by Alef on Parashat Aḥare Mot.

Kiddush @ 11:45 - This shabbat is sponsored by Beth Aharon in memory of the victims who perished in the Shoah and in honor of the Allied soldiers and the resistance fighters who fought the German Nazis and the Axis Powers. Co-sponsors are welcome.

After Kiddush @ 12:30 - The Holocaust in Sephardi-Mizrai Communities, a talk with Malkah Lesman-Kaplan at the Social Hall.

Zohar - 6:55pm * Minḥa - 7:00pm

Se’udonet Shelishit/Shiur - 7:30pm

After Minḥa @ 7:30 - Israel’s 1948 Independence War: Few vs. Many - a myth or reality. A talk with Jeffery-Efrayim Klapper.

Shəki’a - 7:51pm * Arvit - 8:26pm

Tset Hakokhavim/Havdala - 8:36pm

Shabbat shel Shalom!

Friday, April 8, 2022

ShabBAN haShalom haGadol Parashat Metsora'


The BAN is available in your email and here online:

Online: Parashat Metsora' - Shabbat Hagadol

Shabbat Hagadol * Parashat Metsora‘

9 April 2022 * 8 Ḥodesh Nisan 5782

ח' ניסן התשפ”ב

Earliest Candle Lighting - 6:06pm

Candle Lighting Official Time - 7:10pm 

Shir Hashirim - 6:45pm

Minḥa/QabalatShabbat/Arvit - 6:55pm 

Cholent Kiddush - 7:45pm

Iyar Kids Raffle! Come on shabbat mornings and participate in Ashre, Shema’ Yisrael, Sim Shalom, Listen to Aliyat Cohen, Yimlokh, Ein K’Eloqenu and more... Get raffle tickets along with a small surprise, collect the tickets and keep it until Shabbat Behuqotai, May 28- Iyar 27 for the Beth Aharon 3rd Kids Raffle. Win exciting prizes and maybe be the winner of the Grand Amazing Prize.

Shaḥarit (Qorbanot) - 8:45am @ LLBM

Latest Shəma‘ - 9:42am

Shiur Torah - 11:20am

Shiur Torah @ 11:20 - Qidusha Raba: Shiur with Rabbanit Bracha on Kiddush and the Four Cups of the Seder.

Kiddush for All - 11:50pm

Kiddush @ 11:50 - This shabbat is sponsored by Beth Aharon in honor of Rav Dov Lerea; by Rochelle Weisburg in honor of her parents, Arieh leib Hakohen ben Miriam and Deborah Leah bat Miriam; and by YOU for any reason you may choose!

Se’uda Shelishit/Shiur Hilkhot Pesaḥ - 5:00pm

Before Minḥa @ 5:00 - Hilkhot Pesaḥ Shiur with Rav Dov Lerea: “A Refresher of Basic Laws of Pesach”

Zohar - 6:25pm * Minḥa - 6:30pm

Shabbat Hagadol Drasha - 7:00pm 

After Minḥa @ 7:00 - Drashat Shabbat Hagadol with Mara D’Atra Rav Steven-Aharon Exler at the Main Sanctuary.

Shəki’a - 7:29pm * Arvit - 8:09pm

Tset Hakokhavim/Havdala - 8:14pm

Rav Dov Ktav Torah Included!

Print the BAN for your Shabbat Table!

Shabbat shel Shalom and ag Sameya!

Friday, April 1, 2022

ShabBAN Haḥodesh Parashat Tazriya‘ Rosh Ḥodesh Nisan

  The BAN is available in your email and here online:

Online: Parashat Tazriya Hahodesh

Shabbat Haodesh * Parashat Tazriya

Rosh Ḥodesh Nisan

2 April 2022 * 1 Ḥodesh Nisan 5782

א' ניסן התשפ”ב

Earliest Candle Lighting - 6:00pm

Candle Lighting Official Time - 7:02pm 

Shir Hashirim - 6:45pm
Minḥa/QabalatShabbat/Arvit - 6:55pm 

Cholent Kiddush - 7:45pm

Shaḥarit (Qorbanot) - 8:45am @ LLBM

Latest Shəma‘ - 9:48am

Dvar Torah: Tum’a and Tohara - is it what we think it is? By Balbino-Shmuel Cotarelo Núñez.

Kiddush for All - 11:45pm

Zohar - 6:50pm * Minḥa - 6:55pm

Se’uda Shelishit/Shiur - 7:25pm

Shəki’a - 7:21pm * Arvit - 7:57pm

Tset Hakokhavim/Havdala - 8:07pm

Print the BAN for your Shabbat Table!

Shabbat shel Shalom!