Support Beth Aharon

Supporting Beth Aharon: Online: Click this link: donate on-line By mail: Please write checks to: Congregation Beth Aharon. Mail to Cong. Beth Aharon / HIR, 3700 Henry Hudson Parkway, Bronx, NY 10463. Drop-off: At the Beth Aharon’s mail box at the HIR office. Annual Membership: Family - $575; Couple $450; Individual - $275. Tizku l’Shanim Rabot v’Tovot!

Friday, February 22, 2019

ShabBAN Ki-Tisa Shalom

Links to your BAN are below, on our FB page, and in your EMAIL

On Line: Ki-Tisa 
in your Email

Shabbat Parashat Ki-Tisa
23 February 2019 * 18 Adar I 5779
Candle Lighting - 5:20pm
Minḥa/Kabbalat-Shabbat/Arvit - 5:30pm
Shaḥarit - 8:30am * Latest Shəma - 9:24am
Kiddush - 11:25am
Parasha Limud - 4:30pm
Zohar - 4:55pm * Minḥa - 5:00pm
Shiur & Səuda Shəlishit - 5:25pm
Shəki’a - 5:40pm * Arvit - 6:20pm
Tset Hakokhavim /Havdala - 6:25pm


Dvar Torah: 10:45am - Rav Dov Lerea.

Kiddush: 11:25am - Potluck Kiddush this shabbat and in memory of Judy Zalicha’s sister, Miriam Siri bat Sara z”l.

Before Minḥa @ 4:30pm - Parsha Limud: Ki-Tisa @ 2BM.

After Minḥa Mila baParasha: Understanding a word in our Parasha. This week "Kesef - כֶסֶף” - What does the word mean; what is really; and can we live without it? Basic (and love of) Hebrew is sufficient. At 2BM.

After Minḥa Daf baTalmud: Daf Yomi with Eli Oberstein on 3FL. Hullin.

After Minḥa Shiur baHayim: Shiur at the main sanctuary.

Shabbat shel Shalom!

Tuesday, February 19, 2019

Annual Guest Speaker Shabbat & Luncheon 5779

Beth Aharon & The HIR Annual Guest Speaker Shabbat & Luncheon 5779

Join the BAyit on March 2, Shabbat Shekalim-Parashat Vayakhel 25 Adar I, for a Sephardi flavored shabbat & luncheon as we explore the Syrian & the Sephardic world @ the BAyit with for Shabbat with Guest Speaker Rav Elie Abadie, MD.

Dvar Torah: Parashat Vayakhel-Shekalim - Shabbat Morning before Musaf @ 10:45am @ Beth Aharon - 2BM;

Lecture: Judaism's Fourth Denomination. A personal and historical journey of a Syrian Jew and of the Sephardic Jews - During RSVP Luncheon: $28 Adult (13+) $14 Child (4-12). Register @ ;

Talk: The Syrian Edict and The Bnei Anusim: Meaning and Impact - @ 5:30pm during Seuda Shelishit @ the Social Hall after Minha.

Inquiries to

Looking forward to seeing you all!

Friday, February 15, 2019

ShabBAN Tetsave Shalom!

Links to your BAN are below, on our FB page, and in your EMAIL

On Line: Tetsave 
in your Email

Shabbat Parashat Tətsave

Image result for light candle

16 February 2019 * 11 Adar I 5779
Candle Lighting - 5:12pm
Minḥa/Kabbalat-Shabbat/Arvit - 5:22pm
Shaḥarit - 8:30am * Latest Shəma - 9:29am
Kiddush - 11:25am
Parasha Limud - 4:15pm
Zohar - 4:50pm * Minḥa - 4:55pm
Shiur & Səuda Shəlishit - 5:25pm
Shəki’a - 5:31pm * Arvit - 6:11pm

Tset Hakokhavim /Havdala - 6:16pm


Dvar Torah: 10:45am - Rav Dov Lerea

Kiddush: 11:25am - Kiddush is sponsored Almoni with thanks to Hashem for His love, understanding, support, and chesed.

Before Minḥa @ 4:15pm - Parsha Limud: Tətsave @ 2BM.

After Minḥa Mila baParasha: Understanding a word in our Parasha. This week "Zayit - זַיִת” - What does the word mean; why is it special; and is olive oil healthy? Basic (and love of) Hebrew is sufficient. At 2BM.

After Minḥa Daf baTalmud: Daf Yomi with Eli Oberstein on 3FL. Hullin.

After Minḥa Shiur baHayim: Shiur at the main sanctuary.

Shabbat shel Shalom!

Friday, February 8, 2019

Shabbat shel Teruma shel Shalom

Links to your BAN are below, on our FB page, and in your EMAIL

On Line: Teruma
in your Email

Shabbat Parashat Təruma

9 February 2019 * 4 Adar I 5779
Candle Lighting - 5:03pm
Minḥa/Kabbalat-Shabbat/Arvit - 5:13pm
Shaḥarit - 8:30am
Latest Shəma - 9:33am
Kiddush - 11:25am
Parasha Limud - 4:15pm
Zohar - 4:40pm * Minḥa - 4:45pm
Shiur & Səuda Shəlishit - 5:15pm
Shəki’a - 5:23pm * Arvit - 6:03pm
Tset Hakokhavim /Havdala - 6:08pm


Tefilat Erev Shabbat @ 5:10pm

Beth Aharon Annual Erev Shabbat Dinner - Join Beth Aharon at our annual Erev-Shabbat Dinner at the Bayit’s Avraham & Sarah Tent on Erev-Shabbat Parashat Teruma, February 8 after Tefila, around 6:30.

Kiddush: 11:25am - Kiddush is sponsored Plonit with thanks to Hashem for His great chesed.

Before Minḥa @ 4:15pm - Parsha Limud: Təruma @ 2BM.

After Minḥa Mila baParasha: Understanding a word in our parasha. This week "Yidevenu Libo - יִדְּבֶנּוּ לִבּ֔וֹ” - What does the phrase mean and which translation is the best”? Basic (and love of) Hebrew is sufficient. At 2BM.

After Minḥa Daf baTalmud: Daf Yomi with Eli Oberstein on 3FL. Hullin.

After Minḥa Shiur baHayim: Seuda Shlishit and talk with Dr. Leora Batnitzky at 5:00pm: From the Divine to the Human: Job in Modern Jewish Thought.
Shabbat shel Shalom!

Wednesday, February 6, 2019

Annual Erev-Shabbat Dinner @ the Bayit Tent - February 8

Join & Beth Aharon 
Annual Erev-Shabbat Dinner @ the Bayit Tent

Image result for avraham tent

for a Special Community Time!  
Keeping our tradition, Beth Aharon will have our Erev-Shabbat Meal @ the Bayit Avraham & Sarah Tent, 
Friday Night, February 8th, after Tefila, approx. 6:30pm
Shabbat Parashat Teruma
Great Eats as always - for all Diets and all Ages
$24 adult; $12 child (age 4-12)
Sponsorship is welcome and needed!
If you have a special occasion, please let us know @
Please send checks to: Beth Aharon @ HIR, 3700 Henry Hudson Parkway, Bronx, NY 10463
Or, drop off at Beth Aharon mailbox at the Bayit's office.
To pay online, click here - Please add $1 processing fee per person:
RSVP through Evite only!
Tefilat Beth Ahron will take place at the 2BM @ 5:10pm.
Looking forward to seeing you all!

Friday, February 1, 2019

ShabBAN Mevarkhim-Mishpatim

Links to your BAN are below, on our FB page, and in your EMAIL

in your Email

Shabbat Məvarkhim

Parashat Mishpatim
2 February 2019 * 27 Shvat 5779
Candle Lighting - 4:55pm
Minḥa/Kabbalat-Shabbat/Arvit - 5:05pm
Shaḥarit - 8:30am
Latest Shəma - 9:38am
Kiddush - 11:25am
Parasha Limud - 4:15pm
Zohar - 4:35pm * Minḥa - 4:40pm
Shiur & Səuda Shəlishit - 4:50pm
Shəki’a - 5:14pm * Arvit - 5:54pm
Tset Hakokhavim /Havdala - 5:59pm


This Shabbat: A community-wide Yachad Shabbaton

Tefilat Erev Shabbat @ 5:05pm @ Tefilat Avraham & Sara.

Shaḥarit @ 8:30am ● First Kadish: 8:55am ● Shəma‘ Yisrael: 9:10am - all kids participate! ● Youth Groups: See the Bayit Bulletin for all programs Parasha: 9:45am Yimlokh: 10:40am - All kids are welcome to join!

Dvar Torah: 10:45am - Rav Dov Lerea

Kiddush: 11:55am - Potluck kiddush (dairy-parve) is sponsored by YOU. All processed foods must be store-sealed marked kosher. Special thanks to Talia Re and to Deborah & Rav Avraham Unger.

Before Minḥa @ 4:15pm - Parsha Limud: Mishpatim @ 2BM.

After Minḥa Mila baParasha: Understanding a word in our parasha. This week "Acharei Rabim L'hatot - אַחִרֵי רַבִּים לְהַטֹת” - What does the phrase mean and should we follow the “rabim”? Basic (and love of) Hebrew is sufficient. At 2BM.

After Minḥa Daf baTalmud: Daf Yomi with Eli Oberstein on 3FL. Hullin.

After Minḥa Shiur baHayim: Shiur in English in the main sanctuary.

Shabbat shel Shalom!