Support Beth Aharon

Supporting Beth Aharon: Online: Click this link: donate on-line By mail: Please write checks to: Congregation Beth Aharon. Mail to Cong. Beth Aharon / HIR, 3700 Henry Hudson Parkway, Bronx, NY 10463. Drop-off: At the Beth Aharon’s mail box at the HIR office. Annual Membership: Family - $575; Couple $450; Individual - $275. Tizku l’Shanim Rabot v’Tovot!

Friday, January 29, 2016

Your BAN is attached; ShabBAN shel Shalom.

Your BAN is attached


PDF: file:///C:/Users/Tsuri/Downloads/BAN%20-%20Yitro%205776.pdf

On Line: Yitro

Shabbat shel Shalom!

Thursday, January 28, 2016

This Shabbat @ Beth Aharon @ the Bayit

Join Beth Aharon for Tefilot Shabbat

Shabbat Parashat Yitro

Candle Lighting @ 4:51pm

Tefilat Erev Shabbat in the Main Sanctuary @ 4:55pm

Chulent Cook-Off & Tisch with Elli Kranzler Friday, Jan. 29: 8:00pm - Tasting; 8:45pm - Judging; 9:00pm - Tisch; Singing, Divrei Torah, Food, with Tali & Amnon Michaeli of Beth Aharon.  

Shahrit @ 8:30am

"Sh'ma Yisrael" @ 9:10am by Our Kids

Torah reading @ 9:45am

Dvar Torah @ 10:45am - Rav Dov

Kiddush after Tefila: is co-sponsored by the Fines in celebration of Steven’s birthday; and by the Bar-Shais in celebration of Tsvi’s birthday, Dolev’s birthday and Eti & Tsvi’s anniversary.

After Tefila @ the Main: Dr. Leah & Dr. Simcha Goldin, parents of Hadar z"l, the Givati soldier from the Gaza War in Summer 2014 whose body has not been recovered, will be sharing some of their story.  

Community Time @ 12:00pm - Game-time for kids & Talk-time for adults

Parasha Limud @ 4:00pm - Parasha reading and discussion.

Zohar daily reading  @ 4:25pm

Minha @ 4:35pm

After Minha in Hebrew:  “Mila baParasha” – understanding a word in parashat Yitro: “Tsipora - צִפֹּרָה” - what does her name mean; was she a midianite, a cushite or a Libyan; and why was she sent away? Basic (and love of) Hebrew is sufficient.

Arvit @ 5:50pm

Shabbat Ends & Havdala not before 5:55pm

Shabbat shel Shalom!

This Shabbat, join the Bayit to help bring Hadar home.

Hadar Goldin z'l, a Lieutenant in the Givati Brigade of the IDF, was a Jewish patriot, humanitarian and artist, and only 23 years old when he was killed on August 1, 2014 by Hamas terrorists, two hours after a cease-fire was declared in the Protective Edge War in Gaza. Hamas terrorists dragged his body into an underground tunnel deep into Gaza, where it continues to be held hostage by Hamas to this day.
Hadar was a remarkable gifted young man, a happy and lively person with an easy and winning smile. He was an accomplished painter and graphic artist, an inspiration to all who knew him.
His parents, Leah and Simha, have experienced the unspeakable pain of not only losing a beloved son in war, but the additional agony of not being able to bury his body in their home town where Hadar grew up.
They are joining the Bayit this shabbat in order to mobilize public and political support for an effort to bring Hadar’s body, and the body of another IDF soldier who fell in Gaza, home for burial in Israel.
They will be speaking in the Main Sanctuary immediately following shabbat morning tefillot.
Please join us in supporting the family on their quest to bring Hadar home.

Tuesday, January 26, 2016

Kol HaKavod to Team Sean

Yishar Koah and Kol Hakavod 
the Sean Team
with our  
Yisrael Rouemy, Adi Michaeli, and Tali Michaeli

completing the Chai Lifeline Half Marathon,

Team Lifeline

yesterday, January. 24th, 
in Miami.

Chulent Cook-Off and Tisch - This Friday Night

Chulent Cook-Off and Tisch 
with Elli Kranzler on this Friday Night, 
January 29th

Image result for cholent

8:00pm - Chulent Tasting 
8:45pm - Chulent Judging 
9:00pm - Tisch Begins - Singing, Divrei Torah, 
Food - Chulent, Kugel, Vegetarian Chulent, Gluten Free Chulent, Fruit Platters, Pastries, and More!

Mark Baker, Anat Barber, Zachary Berman, Tzirel Bleier, Rick Feldman, Menachem Menchel, Tali Seinfeld, Brian Spira, Pearl Sussman, 
Tali & Amnon Michaeli, representing Beth Aharon. 

Sunday, January 24, 2016

GREAT Tu-Bishvat with Beth Aharon @ the Bayit

We had another great Tu-Bishvat @ Beth Aharon
with a
Beautiful Seder led by Rav Dov Lerea,
Amazing craft-arts led by Rina Mah,
Fun activity for kids with Sasi Calipha,
Close to 100 participants of all ages,
and Good Eats!

Many thanks to all those who helped in putting together this holiday on the map, one more year - 
Beth Aharon Board, Rav Dov Lerea, Rina Mah, and Sasi Calipha; the Bayit leadership - Rav Ari, Menachem Menchel, Yael Manor-Oshinsky; and the Bayit staff - Byarn, Alfred, and Tyrone.
Special thanks thanks to Rav HaBayit, Rav Steven, who joined us in celebrating a 
less-acknowledged holiday, outside of Israel. 

We look forward to seeing you in future events!

Today! Tu-Bishvat Seder, Sunday Jan. 24 @ 5:45pm sharp!

Tu-Bishvat Seder with Beth Aharon @ the Riverdale Bayit 

Sunday Evening, January 24 between 5:45 to 7:45pm,
@ the Social Hall (Minha- Arvit @ 4:45pm)!

Don't Let This Holiday Go Past You & Your Kids!

Join Beth Aharon for as we celebrate Tu-Bishvat - the holiday of Trees and Rejuvenation!
for a 
Family program that fits adults and kids of all age groups.

* Tu Bishvat Crafts for Kids "A Green Eretz Yisrael" - Ages 2-7:
* Special Program for 1st to 8th Graders!
* Tu Bishvat Seder @ 6:00pm with Fruits & Blessings - Led by Rav Dov Lerea
Songs and Singing...
* Israeli Food Falafel, Salads & Pizza... - No need to make dinner at home!

All are Welcome!
Know someone new to the community?
Forward them this invitation.

Suggested Donation: $20 family / $15 Couple / $10 Adult / $5 Kid
Donations at the Door.

Want to Help with set-up or to help sponsoring this Event? 

Looking forward to seeing you all!

Hodesh Sh'vat Tov!

Friday, January 22, 2016

Your BAN is attached. ShabBAN shel Shalom

Your BAN is attached


PDF: file:///C:/Users/Tsuri/Documents/BAN%20-%20B'shalah%205776.pdf

On Line: B'shalah

Shabbat shel Shalom!

Wednesday, January 20, 2016

Monday, January 18, 2016

Sloan - Refuaa Shelema, Visit, Meals

Please keep your prayers for Refuaa Shlema for:

Menaḥem ben Yehudith (Edward Sloan)

Image result for refuah shelema


Ed could be visited at 
Mount Sinai Roosevelt Hospital 
1000 10th Avenue, bet. 58th and 59th Street, 
Floor 3G, Room 57A


Please consider helping out with meals for Madeline & Ed.
Take Them A Meal

Here is the link to sign up for Take Them a Meal:
Recipient Last Name: Sloan   Password: 613
Thank you for your help!  

Holy Land Holy Mission

Sandra @ the Trudi Birger Dental Clinic, Jerusalem.

Sunday, January 17, 2016

Dafna Meir z"l.

We are crying with the Meir family and the people of Otniel, Israel on the loss of Dafna Meir z"l, wife of Natan and mother to six children, 3 girls and 3 boys.
Dafna was murdered at her home by a terrorist.

Many Thanks. Shavua Tov!

Many thanks to Rav Dov Lerea 

for a great shiur yesterday on "Hilkhot MLK Day" 

(or "Human Relations: Yisrael & the Malkhot") 

Further thanks to Esther, Shira & Nathan for a healthy kiddush;

and to all those who joined us for another great shabbat @ Beth Aharon.

*** Tu Bishvat Seder @ BA - next Sunday January 24 @ 5:30pm ***

We are only $1000 short. Support Team Sean & Chai Lifeline!

Dear Friends

My Photo

On October 2013, we received the terrible news that, our 13 years old son has cancer. 
Today, we are thankful that Sean is healthy once again. With the help of doctors, community and Chai Lifeline, Sean is cancer free! 


TONIGHT! Annual MLK Concert @ The Bayit

Join the Bayit for an inspirational evening of unity and song with Reverend Roger Hambrick,
and the Green Pastures Baptist Church Choir.

Sunday Night, January 17, 2016
Program starts @ 6:00pm: Doors open 5:45pm

Friday, January 15, 2016

Shalom from baby Avihai

"Exactly two weeks ago today, our son, Avihai, started his journey to meet to us. He was born on 1/1/16 at 8:52 P.M. It may sound like a cliche but words cannot describe the love that we have for him. Shabbat Shalom family and friends." Merav.

Your Bo BAN is Attached. ShabBAN shel Shalom!

Your BAN is attached


PDF: file:///C:/Users/Tsuri/Downloads/BAN%20-%20Bo%205776.pdf

On Line: Bo

Shabbat shel Shalom!

Thursday, January 14, 2016

This Shabbat @ Beth Aharon @ The Bayit

Join Beth Aharon for Tefilot Shabbat

Shabbat Parashat Bo

Candle Lighting @ 4:34pm
Tefilat Erev Shabbat in the Main Sanctuary @ 4:35pm

Shahrit @ 8:30am
"Sh'ma Yisrael" @ 9:10am by Our Kids

Musaf @ 10:45am

Shiur with Rav Dov @ 11:15am - Hilkhot Martin Luther King Day

Kiddush @ 11:30 - is sponsored by Esther Vinas in memory of her grandmother Gussie Kaplan z"l; and by The Annenbergs in memory of Shira's brother Bentsiyon ben Yehudit & Yehuda Hayim.

Community Time @ 12:00pm - Game-time for kids & Talk-time for adults

Parasha Limud @ 3:30pm - Parasha reading and discussion.

Zohar daily reading  @ 4:05pm

Minha @ 4:15pm

After Minha in Hebrew @ 4:30pm - “Mila baParasha” – understanding a word in parashat Bo:
"Isha - אִשָּׁה"­ what does the word mean and was she “taken form man?”

Arvit @ 5:34pm

Shabbat Ends & Havdala not before 5:39pm

Shabbat shel Shalom!