Support Beth Aharon

Supporting Beth Aharon: Online: Click this link: donate on-line By mail: Please write checks to: Congregation Beth Aharon. Mail to Cong. Beth Aharon / HIR, 3700 Henry Hudson Parkway, Bronx, NY 10463. Drop-off: At the Beth Aharon’s mail box at the HIR office. Annual Membership: Family - $575; Couple $450; Individual - $275. Tizku l’Shanim Rabot v’Tovot!

Thursday, December 31, 2015

Sh'mot BAN is attached! ShabBAN shel Shalom!

Your BAN is attached

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PDF: file:///C:/Users/Tsuri/Downloads/BAN%20-%20Sh'mot%205776%20(1).pdf

On Line: Sh'mot

Shabbat shel Shalom
Healthy New Civil Year 2016!

Happy New Civil Year 2016!

To all BAnners & Friends and also to Baby Quail!

Click for a video:  Baby Quail!

This Shabbat Sh'mot @ Beth Aharon

Join Beth Aharon for Tefilot Shabbat

Shabbat Parashat Sh'mot  

Candle Lighting @ 4:20pm
Tefilat Erev Shabbat in the Main Sanctuary @ 4:25pm

Shahrit @ 8:30am
"Sh'ma Yisrael" @ 9:10am by Our Kids

Dvar Torah @ 10:45am by Rav Dov
Musaf @ 11:00am

Kiddush @ 11:30 - is sponsored by YOU. Potluck kiddush this Shabbat. Thank you!
Community Time @ 12:00pm - Game time for kids & Talk time for adults

Parasha Limud @ 3:30pm - Parasha reading and discussion.
Zohar daily reading  @ 3:50pm
Minha @ 4:00pm
After Minha in Hebrew @ 4:30pm - “Mila baParasha” – understanding a word in parashat Sh’mot: "Bat-Par’oh­-בַּת-פַּרְעֹ֗ה"­ what was the name of Par’oh’s daughter; did she name Moshe; and how did she know Hebrew?

Arvit @ 5:19pm
Havdala not before 5:24pm

Shabbat shel Shalom!

Support Beth Aharon as 2015 ends... TODAY

Dear Members & Friends!

The civil year 2015 is ending TODAY - a good time to meet pending dues.
If you have not yet sent in 5775 pledges, membership, high holidays dues,
luncheon fees, kiddush donations, or any other pledged donation, its a good opportunity to do so,
for tax purposes, before the civil year end.

Your contribution is important and highly appreciated!
Each one, large or small, brings us the support we need to continue and expand our services and activities.

If you are unsure if you owe or would like to schedule payments,
please contact us @

All contributions to be sent to
Congregation Beth Aharon, 3700 Henry Hudson Pkwy #102, Bronx, NY 10463
 To pay on line please click here: Pay On Line

Thank you for your continued support!
Best wishes for a Happy New Civil Year!

Board of Beth Aharon

Baby's Luagh.....

The weekly riddle: Who is in the picture?

Tuesday, December 29, 2015

Barukh Dayan HaEmet

Barukh Dayan HaEmet
We are saddened to notify you of the passing of 
Jeanine Nina Benayoun 
Beloved mother of Audrey Cohen's Mother, 
and mother in-law to Netanel Cohen.

Jeanine niftera l'olama today, 17 Tevet, in Paris

The levaya will be held tomorrow Wednesday December 30 
in Israel in Givat  Shaul cemetery Jerusalem @ 10:30am.

Audrey will sit Shiva in Jerusalem at the Har Tzion hotel. 

You may contact:
Audrey via whatsapp @ 646-785-2761
Natanel's via email @ 

May the Family be comforted from the Heaven

Min Hashamayim Tenuhamu 

Monday, December 28, 2015

Shavua Tov. Many Thanks!

Many thanks 
to Steven Fine for Dvar Torah 
to the Zlacenstein Family for a great kiddush


to rav Shmuel for Parasha Limud
and to all those who joined us 
for another great shabbat @ Beth Aharon.
May we all have a good week .

Thursday, December 24, 2015

Your Yayhi BAN inside. ShabBAN shel Shalom!

Your BAN is attached

In PDF: file:///C:/Users/Tsuri/Pictures/BAN%20-%20Vayhi%205776.pdf

Online: Vayhi

Shabbat Parashat Vayhi  
Join Beth Aharon for Tefilot Shabbat

Candle Lighting @ 4:15pm
Tefilat Erev Shabbat in the Main Sanctuary @ 4:20pm

Shahrit @ 8:30am
"Sh'ma Yisrael" @ 9:10am by Our Kids

Dvar Torah @ 10:45am by Shim'on
Musaf @ 11:00am

Special Kiddush @ 11:30 - is sponsored by Malka & Louis Zalcenstein
with thanks to Hashem for His great hesed.
Community Time @ 12:30pm - Game time for kids & Talk time for adults

Parasha Limud @ 3:00pm - "Ya'akov, Esaw, and Nimrod: All GoodFellas?" 
Open discussion with Rav Sh'muel.
Zohar daily reading  @ 3:45pm
Minha @ 3:55pm
After Minha in Hebrew @ 3:25pm - “Mila baParasha” – understanding a word in Parashat Vayhi: "Bilha ­- בִּלְהָה­: What’s the meaning of her name; Ya’akov’s wife or his concubine; Our Mother’s slave or our Mother?"

Arvit @ 5:14pm
Havdala not before 5:19pm

Shabbat shel Shalom!

This Shabbat - Special Kiddush, Community Time, Nimrod, Bilha

Join Beth Aharon for Tefilot Shabbat

Shabbat Parashat Vayhi  

Candle Lighting @ 4:15pm
Tefilat Erev Shabbat in the Main Sanctuary @ 4:20pm

Shahrit @ 8:30am
"Sh'ma Yisrael" @ 9:10am by Our Kids

Dvar Torah @ 10:45am by Shim'on
Musaf @ 11:00am

Special Kiddush @ 11:30 - is sponsored by Malka & Louis Zalcenstein
with thanks to Hashem for His great hesed.
Community Time @ 12:30pm - Game time for kids & Talk time for adults

Parasha Limud @ 3:00pm - "Ya'akov, Esaw, and Nimrod: All GoodFellas?" 
Open discussion with Rav Sh'muel.
Zohar daily reading  @ 3:45pm
Minha @ 3:55pm
After Minha in Hebrew @ 3:25pm - “Mila baParasha” – understanding a word in Parashat Vayhi: "Bilha ­- בִּלְהָה­: What’s the meaning of her name; Ya’akov’s wife or his concubine; Our Mother’s slave or our Mother?"

Arvit @ 5:14pm
Havdala not before 5:19pm

Shabbat shel Shalom!

Tuesday, December 22, 2015

Tsom Asara b'Tevet - Today, Tuesday.

Tenth of Tevet (עשרה בטבת‎, Asarah BeTevet), the tenth day of the Hebrew month of Tevet, is one of the minor fasts observed from before dawn to nightfall. 

The fasting commemorates the siege of Jerusalem by Nebuchadnezzar II of Babylonia—an event that began on that date and ultimately culminated in the destruction of Solomon's Temple (the First Temple) and the conquest of the Kingdom of Judah.

The Chief Rabbinate of Israel chose to observe the Tenth of Tevet as a 
"general kaddish day" (yom hakaddish ha'klalli
to allow the relatives of victims of the Holocaust, and whose yahrtzeits is unknown, to observe the traditional yahrtzeit practices for the deceased, including lighting a memorial candle, learning mishnayot and reciting the kaddish. (wiki)

Monday, December 21, 2015

The Shortest Day In The Year, Here! Today, Tuesday!

In the Northern Hemisphere the December solstice marks the longest night and shortest day of the year with the latest dawn and the sun at its lowest point in the sky.

The December solstice happens at the same instant for all of us, everywhere on Earth. This year the solstice occurs on Tuesday December 22nd at 04:49 GMT (Universal time)

The winter solstice happens every year when the Sun reaches its most southerly declination of -23.5 degrees. In other words, when the North Pole is tilted furthest – 23.5 degrees – away from the Sun, delivering the fewest hours of sunlight of the year.
The Sun is directly overhead of the Tropic of Capricorn in the Southern Hemisphere during the December solstice and is closer to the horizon than at any other time in the year, meaning shorter days and longer nights.
The day after the winter solstice marks the beginning of lengthening days, leading up to the summer solstice in June.
In the Southern Hemisphere, it's opposite. Dawn comes early, and dusk comes late. The sun is high and the shortest noontime shadow of the year happens there. In the Southern Hemisphere, people will experience their longest day and shortest night.

Friday, December 18, 2015

ShabBAN Vayigash b'Shalom!

Your BAN is attached

In PDF: file:///C:/Users/Tsuri/Documents/BAN%20-%20Vayigash%205776.pdf

Online: Vayigash

Join Beth Aharon for Tefilot Shabbat

Parashat Vayigash


Dvar Torah - Rav Dov Lerea

After Tefila: Kiddush is sponsored by the Bergier family.

After Minha in Hebrew: Mila baParasha” – understanding a word in parashat Vayigash: "Seraḥ ­- שֶׂ‏רַח"­ what’s the meaning of her name; how long did she really live; and where was she seen for the last time?

Shabbat shel Shalom!

Thursday, December 17, 2015

This Shabbat @ Beth Aharon

Join Beth Aharon for Tefilot Shabbat

Shabbat Parashat Vayigash   

Dvar Torah: Rav Dov Lerea

After Tefila: Kiddush is sponsored by the Bergier family.

After Minha in Hebrew: Mila baParasha” – understanding a word in parashat Vayigash: "Seraḥ ­- שֶׂ‏רַח"­ what’s the meaning of her name; how long did she really live; and where was she seen for the last time?

Shabbat shel Shalom!

Da"sh from Rav Piperno

Da"sh from Rav Piperno
(old but still valid)

Wednesday, December 16, 2015

Zeira Jewelry (and Sami) in Town!

Sami is in NYC ready for your orders of a Zeira Jewelry. 

Why should only Hillary enjoy a ring?


 Sami - 917-439-8601 * 

LAST DAY is TODAY - Chai Lifeline Chanukah Toy Drive!

Chai Lifeline Chanukah Toy Drive, 
Now until Wednesday, December 16 
Bring a smile to a child's face and brighten up their Chanukah! 
Drop-off brand new unwrapped toys in the Bayit coat room.

Gifts for children ages 13+ are especially appreciated. 
These toys will be given to children who are undergoing medical procedures and whose immune systems are compromised. 
Used/unsealed toys will not be accepted. 
Learn more at or contact Talia Michaeli at

Great Hanuka Party 5776. Thank You!

Great Hanuka Party 5776 @ Beth Aharon

Many thanks to Rahel, Rina, Becky, Sasi, Dudu, Yosef, and the Bayit Team!
Special thanks to all the Raffle gifts donors!
Congratulations to all the winners!

Hodesh Tov!

Friday, December 11, 2015

ShabBAN Mikets shel Shalom & Hanuka Tov!

Your BAN is attached

In PDF: 

Online: Mikets-Hanuka

Join Beth Aharon for Tefilot Shabbat

Shabbat Hanuka, 
Parashat Mikets


Dvar Torah - Rav Dov Lerea

After Tefila 
Brit Mila of Baby Boy Miller-Glas 
followed by Kiddush-Seuda sponsored by the Glas & Miller families.
Mazal Tov to Lir & Refael, siblings, and families!

After Minha in Hebrew
“Mila baParasha” – understanding a word in parashat Mikets: "Asenat ­- אָסְנַת" ­ what’s the meaning of her name; who were her parents; and did she love Yosef?

Shabbat shel Shalom v'Hanuka shel Or!