Join Beth Aharon for Tefilot Shabbat
Shabbat Parashat Yitro

Candle Lighting @ 4:51pm
Tefilat Erev Shabbat in the Main Sanctuary @ 4:55pm
Chulent Cook-Off & Tisch with Elli Kranzler Friday, Jan. 29: 8:00pm - Tasting; 8:45pm - Judging; 9:00pm - Tisch; Singing, Divrei Torah, Food, with Tali & Amnon Michaeli of Beth Aharon.
Shahrit @ 8:30am
"Sh'ma Yisrael" @ 9:10am by Our Kids
Torah reading @ 9:45am
Dvar Torah @ 10:45am - Rav Dov
Dvar Torah @ 10:45am - Rav Dov
Kiddush after Tefila: is co-sponsored by the Fines in celebration of Steven’s birthday; and by the Bar-Shais in celebration of Tsvi’s birthday, Dolev’s birthday and Eti & Tsvi’s anniversary.
After Tefila @ the Main: Dr. Leah & Dr. Simcha Goldin, parents of Hadar z"l, the Givati soldier from the Gaza War in Summer 2014 whose body has not been recovered, will be sharing some of their story.
Parasha Limud @ 4:00pm - Parasha reading and discussion.
Zohar daily reading @ 4:25pm
Minha @ 4:35pm
After Minha in Hebrew: “Mila baParasha” – understanding a word in parashat Yitro: “Tsipora - צִפֹּרָה” - what does her name mean; was she a midianite, a cushite or a Libyan; and why was she sent away? Basic (and love of) Hebrew is sufficient.
Arvit @ 5:50pm
Shabbat Ends & Havdala not before 5:55pm
Shabbat shel Shalom!
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