Attached is The BAN Also available in your email and online here:
Šabat Parašat Ki-Teṡe
26 August 2023 * 9 Ḣodeš Elul 5783
ט’ אלול התשפ”ג
Earliest Candle Lighting Time - 6:16pm
Candle Lighting Official Time - 7:22pm
Šir Haširim - 6:45pm
Minḣa/Qabalat Šabat /Ȯrvit - 7:00pm - Main
Šaḣarit (Qorbanot) - 8:45am
Latest Šəmaȯ - 9:36am
Dəvar Torah - 10:45am
Dvar Torah: Rav Dov Lerea on the parasha.
Qiduš - 11:30pm
Qidush is sponsored by the Rabbenou family marking their last Shabbat in Riverdale and in honor of the memorable time spent with the wonderful Beth Aharon Community.
Additional contributions are welcomed. Donate On-Line
Open Mind - 12:15pm - Free Talk - What happened to Prigozhin?
Seudah Shlishit - @ 5:15pm of Farewell to Rav Ezra & the Seligsohn Family.
Torah Learning - 6:00pm @ LLBM
Daf Yomi - 6:10pm
Paraša Limud - 6:30pm
Zohar - 7:00pm / Minḣa - 7:05pm
Səȯuda Šəlišit & Šiȯur - 7:35pm
Mila baParasha - after minḥa: Understanding a word in our parasha. This week “ׂCrowning a King - שום תָּשִׂים עָּלֶיָך מֶלְֶך” - what does the word mean; and is it a commandment or an option? Basic (and love of :) Hebrew is sufficient.
Šəqiȯa - 7:38pm * Ȯarvit - 8:13pm
Ṡet Hakok̇avim / Havdala - 8:23pm
Šabat Šel Šalom :)
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