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By mail: Please write checks to: Congregation Beth Aharon.

Mail to Cong. Beth Aharon / HIR, 3700 Henry Hudson Parkway, Bronx, NY 10463.

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Annual Membership: Family - $500; Individual - $250.

Tizku l’Shanim Rabot v’Tovot!

Thursday, December 5, 2019

Join BA's Birkat Hashana 21!

Join BA's Birkat Hashana 21!

Over the past year, 19 families have participated in BA's Birkat Hashana
Every time we opened the Aron Kodesh at Shaharit, the Hazan recited a special Mi Sh’Berakh and gave a berakha to the families
The donation of $500, less then $10 per week, helped our community continuing the Furnishing Project and acquiring comfortable blue chairs for our Bet-Tefila! 
This year Birkat Hashana starts this week - Parashat Vayetse - and our goal for this year is to attain the participation of 36 families!
When Aron haKodesh is open, Sha'are haShamayim are opened to accept our innermost tefilot.  
This is a special opportunity to request for berakhot such as Refua, Parnasa, Zivug, Yeladim, Hinukh, and more. 
No less important, your donation would help us in building Aron Kodesh, more suitable for our sifre Torah. 
If you are interested in joining the “Birkat Hashana 21” for $500 for the upcoming 12 months, please Reply "YES" to this email.
We are thankful to the 19 families who participated in this past year BA's Birkat Hashana 20! 

Hodesh Kislev Tov!

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