Support Beth Aharon

Supporting Beth Aharon:

On-Line: Click this Link: Donate On-Line

By mail: Please write checks to: Congregation Beth Aharon.

Mail to Cong. Beth Aharon / HIR, 3700 Henry Hudson Parkway, Bronx, NY 10463.

Drop-off: At the Beth Aharon’s mail box at the HIR office.

Annual Membership: Family - $500; Individual - $250.

Tizku l’Shanim Rabot v’Tovot!

Friday, September 28, 2018

ShabBAN Sukkot shel Shalom

Links to your BAN are below, on our FB page, and in your EMAIL

On Line: Sukkot 5779

and in your Email

Shabbat Parashat Sukkot

September 22, 2018 * 13 Tishrei 5778
Candle Lighting 6:25pm *
Minha / Arvit 6:35pm
Shahrit 8:30am * Kiddush 11:30am
Zohar 6:05 * Minha 6:10pm
Kohelet in the Sukka 6:35pm
Arvit 7:21pm  

Shabbat Ends Havdala 7:26pm


Sukkot Schedule Inside the BAN :)

Dvar Torah: 10:45am - Rav Dov Lerea

Kiddush: 11:25am - Potluck kiddush in the small sukka.

*** We are POTLUCKING through this shabbat and the 2 holidays. All processed foods must be store-sealed marked kosher. Tizku. Thanks. ***.

Shiur Before Minḥa - Join Livya Tinestit at 4:15-5:15pm for shiur for women of all ages, on the liturgy of the various Hoshanot in preparation of Hoshana Raba - B”H this Shabbat and Shabbat Hol Hamo'ed Sukkot. At 2BM.

Limud Before Minḥa - Parsha Limud: Petirat Moshe @ 5:30pm @ 2BM.

After Minḥa Mila baParasha: Kohelet @ the Sukka.

After Minḥa Shiur baHayim: Shiur at the main sanctuary.

After Minḥa Daf baTalmud: Daf Yomi with Eli Oberstein on 3FL. Menahot.

Shabbat shel Shalom & Mo'adim L'simha!

Thank you for a Beautiful BA Sukkot Luncheon

Many Thanks 
to all the 100 Oushpizin who joined us in another beautiful Beth Aharon Sukkot Luncheon @ the Bayit sukka. 
Next year we may need b"H a larger sukka :) 
Special thanks to all those who helped: Sandra Sigal-Molinas, Judy Friedman, Ruben Mahgerfteh, Roberta Kraus, Bryan Cordova, Yael Oshinsky, Rav Reuven Kaplan, and Livya Tinetit.

Additional thanks to Richard, the Bayit staff and to Shoshi for good eats.

Thank you all for your payments.
To complete payment please go here: BABlog

We took notes for next time to make it even greater :)

Moa'dim L'Simha  


Friday, September 21, 2018

ShabBAN Ha'azinu-Sukkot shel Shalom

Links to your BAN are below, on our FB page, and in your EMAIL

and in your Email

Parashat Ha’azinu

September 22, 2018 * 13 Tishrei 5778
Candle Lighting - 6:37pm
Minḥa/Kabbalat- Shabbat/Arvit - 6:47pm
Shaḥarit - 8:30am * Latest Shəma - 9:45am
Kiddush - 11:25am
Parasha Limud - 5:30pm
Zohar - 6:10pm * Minḥa - 6:15pm
Sə’uda Shlishit& Shi’ur - 6:40pm
Shəki’a - 6:53pm * Arvit - 7:33pm
Tset Hakokhavim /Havdala - 7:38pm


Sukkot Schedule Inside the BAN :)

Dvar Torah Shuva: 10:45am - Rav Dov Lerea

Kiddush: 11:25am - Kiddush is sponsored by Naomi Pajares in honor of Hashem.

*** Kiddush sponsoring for future Shabbatot and Holidays  is available and needed ***.

Shiur Before Minḥa - Join Livya Tinestit at 4:15-5:15pm for shiur for women of all ages, on the liturgy of the various Hoshanot in preparation of Hoshana Raba - B”H this Shabbat and Shabbat Hol Hamo'ed Sukkot. At 2BM.

Before Minḥa @ 5:30pm - Parsha Limud: Ha’azinu @ 2BM.

After Minḥa Mila baParasha: Understanding a word in our parasha. This week
הַשָּׁמַיִם וְהָאָרֶץ - hashamayim v’ha’arets” - What’s the real meaning of the words in this parasha context? Basic (and love of) Hebrew is sufficient. At 2BM.

After Minḥa Daf baTalmud: Daf Yomi with Eli Oberstein on 3FL. Menahot.

Shabbat shel Shalom & Mo'adim L'simha!

Thursday, September 20, 2018

Lulav and Etrog

Lulav and Etrog:  
Bnei Akiva and the Bayit are once again partnering to make the purchase of quality Lulav/Etrog sets convenient and affordable.  

Sale times in the Main Lobby are as follows:

Image result for lulav and etrog symbolism

Friday September 21st:  7:15-9:30am

Sunday September 23rd: 9:00-11:00am

Many Thanks On Joining & How to Support Beth Aharon

Thank you ALL 
- members & friends - on joining us these High Holidays 5779

Related image

- Please continue on being part of our community. 
- Join us on Shabatot, Holidays and special events throughout the year. 
- Shabbat Tefila starts at 8:30am; Torah at 9:45am; DT at 10:45am; Kiddush @ 11:25am 
- Celebrate with us important milestones in your family's life. 
- Commemorate with us the memories of your beloved.
- Kiddush sponsorship is regularly available. 
- Join our emailing listing and weekly newsletter - The BAN - by responding to this email. 

Many Thanks for ALL Your Support & Generous Donations!

For Membership, HH Seats, Honor-Pledges and Aliyot, Siddurim, Kidushim, 
and general support.
- Check this link for membership and donations information: BABlog
- Quick link for on-line support is here: Donate On-Line

Gmar Hatima Tova
Tizku L'shanim Rabot V'tovot
tbs :)

Friday, September 14, 2018

Shabbat Shuva Vayelekh l'Shalom

Links to your BAN are below, on our FB page, and in your EMAIL

and in your Email

Shabbat Shuva

Parashat Vayelekh
September 15, 2018 * 6 Tishrei 5778
Candle Lighting - 6:49pm
Minḥa/Kabbalat- Shabbat/Arvit - 7:00pm
Shaḥarit - 8:30am * Latest Shəma - 9:43am
Kiddush - 11:25am
Parasha Limud - 5:45pm
Zohar - 6:00pm * Minḥa - 6:05pm
Shuva Derasha - 6:40pm
Shəki’a - 7:05pm * Arvit - 7:45pm
Tset Hakokhavim /Havdala - 7:50pm


Dvar Torah Shuva: 10:45am - Rav Dov Lerea

Kiddush: 11:25am - Kiddush is sponsored by the Nachmani Family in honor of the Selihot Minyan at Beth Aharon.

*** Kiddush sponsoring for future Shabbatot and Holidays  is available and needed ***.

Shiur Before Minḥa - Join Livya Tinestit at 4:00-5:00pm for shiur for women of all ages, on Yom Kippur Liturgy and the Torah and Haftarah readings. At 2BM.

Before Minḥa Daf baTalmud: Daf Yomi with Eli Oberstein on 3FL. Menahot.

Dərasha After Minḥa: Shabbat Shuva Dərasha by Rav Steven Exler @ the Main Sanctuary.

Selihot with Beth Aharon - Sunday @ 7:00am @ 2BM.

Shabbat shel Shalom. Shana & Hatima Tova!

Thursday, September 13, 2018

Invite to Your Shabbat & Holidays Table!

Invite to Your Shabbat & Holidays Table! 
Just call to say: "Hello..."

Need meal hospitality for Shabbat or Yom-Tov?

Let Us Know

Shana & Hatima Tova !!