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Tizku l’Shanim Rabot v’Tovot!

Thursday, December 29, 2016

This Shabbat Hanuka - Special Program & Kiddush & Shiurim

Join Beth Aharon
Special Shabbat Program & Kiddush & Shiurim

8:30 am: Tefila / Korbanot
8:55 am: First Kadish
9:15am: Shma' Yisrael by our kids
9:45 am: Torah Reading
10:45 am: Dvar Torah - Rav Shmuel Friedman


11:15 am: As part of our Knowing the BA Families year programs,
we will have after Tefila a special Shabbat program with a brief discussion of
Aliyat Teman (the Yemenite Aliya to Israel)
and the historical release this week of the files form
the Missing/Kidnapped Yemenite & Other Olim Children Case
that have shaken Israel since 1948.
A special recognition to Talia Michaeli's father, Tsiyon Gamil z"l.

11:45am: Special Kiddush after tefila is sponsored by the Michaeli family in memory of
Talia's father Tsiyon Gamil ben varda & Salem z"l, and with contribution of the Bergier family.

3:00 pm: Parsha Limud before Minha @ 3pm: A free talk on the parasha, Mikets, and about
Hanuka customs: oil, latkes, sufganyot, and more.

4:00 pm: Minha

4:30pm: Mila baParasha after Minha: Understanding a word in our parasha. This week: ”Hanuka - חֲנֻכָּה‎" -
What does the word mean and why we celebrate for 8 days?
Basic (and love of) Hebrew is sufficient.


Shabbat shel Shalom & Hanuka Tov!

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