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Tizku l’Shanim Rabot v’Tovot!

Friday, October 7, 2016

Do a Mitsva before YK

A message from Rav Shmuel (Charlie) Friedman:


Dear Chaveirim,

Almost one year ago, a group of Bayit and Beit Aharon members  came forward for the kevurah of Alvin Kirshner ‏אברהם בן שמואל, A Jewish man who's home bound wife very much wanted him to have a proper Jewish burial. ב״ה we were zocheh to complete the kevurah.

I come to you now asking for your participation in the ‏,הקמת מצבה "unveiling" ceremony, on Sunday, Oct. 9th.   ז׳ ‏תשרי

We will leave from The Bayit shortly after Shacharit
{Donuts and coffee will be provided}

Temple Israel Cemetery
388 Saw Mill River Pkwy
Hastings, NY (Exit 13)   (Ten minutes from Riverdale)

Please RSVP to:

Rav Shmuel Charles Friedman

תזכו לשנים רבות, יישר כחכם.
גמר חתימה טובה


Rabbi שמואל Charles  Friedman

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