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Shabbat Məvarkhim RH Sivan
Parashat B’hukotai
42 to the Omer
Date: 27 Iyar 5776 * 4 June 2016
Earliest Candle Lighting - 6:50pm
Minḥa/Kabalat-Shabat/Arvit - 7:00pm
Candle Lighting - 8:05pm
Shaḥrit - 8:30am * Latest Shəma - 9:09am
Parasha Limud - 6:30pm * Zohar - 7:40pm
Minḥa - 7:45pm * Shki‘a - 8:24pm
Sə‘uda Shlishit/Shiur: 8:15pm
Arvit - 9:04pm
Tset Hakokhavim / Havdala: 9:09pm
Kiddush this shabbat is sponsored by the Friedman family:
“Please join us at Beit Aharon this Shabbat parshat Bechukotai June 4 to celebrate 50 years of Judy (ism). Bring your best story and wishes. Tefila aka davening 8:30 followed by Kiddush 11:30. Judy Yudin & Rav Shmuel Charlie Friedman.”
Before Minha @ 6:30pm: Yerushalayim - who conquered it and what is the “ayim” for?
After Minha Mila baParasha: Understanding a word in our parasha. This week: "'Yovel - יוֹבֵל" - what does the word mean; and what the connection to “mabul,” the “flood”? Basic (and love of) Hebrew is sufficient. 2nd Floor BM.
After Minḥa Daf baTalmud: Daf Yomi with Rav Dov Linzer on 3FL. Tractate Kiddushin.
After Minḥa Perek baHayim: Shiur at the Main sanctuary.
Shabbat shel Shalom!
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