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Tizku l’Shanim Rabot v’Tovot!

Wednesday, October 14, 2015

Unity Rally In Solidarity With Israel Tomorrow

Unity Rally In Solidarity With Israel 
Thursday, October 15, 12:30pm

At The Israeli Mission To The UN:
Second Ave. Bet. 42nd & 43rd Streets.

Our brothers and sisters in Israel are facing incessant terror attacks. The murder of a rabbi and his wife in front of their 4 children.  Shooting and stabbing on a public bus. Ramming cars into people waiting at a bus stop. From out of nowhere, more and more random stabbings.
We cannot remain silent. We must declare loudly and clearly: Israel, you are not alone - we stand with you!
Said Rav Avi: "This is a time for all Jews - from right to left, for all Americans - Republican or Democrat, for all people of moral conscience to cry out and declare, 'enough.'"

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