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Shemini Atseret - Simḣat Torah - Shabbat Bereshit 5785 Schedule
Wednesday, October 23 – EREV SHEMINI ATSERET
Candle Lighting 5:44pm / Eruv Tavshilin
Minḣa/Arvit 5:54pm
(Israeli Simḣat Torah: Haqafot following Arvit * Pending Confirmation)
(Israeli Simḣat Torah: Shaḣarit 9:00am followed by Haqafot)
Shaḣarit 8:45am * Azkara (approx) 10:30am * Kidush in the Sukka 11:45am
Riverdale Hope & Unity Gathering: 4:00pm-5:00pm - Community walk and dance with Sifre Torah from the RJC to the TRM.
Minḣa/Torah Quiz 5:20pm * Arvit 6:05pm
Candle Lighting After 6:46pm from existing flame
Kidush followed by Haqafot with Ḣatanim 6:50pm
~ Please Bring Your Friends along with
Candies, Treats, Sweets, Cakes, and Snacks ~ All processed foods must be store-sealed marked kosher.
Friday, October 25 – SIMḢAT TORAH
Shaḣarit 8:45am *
Torah Reading with Ḣatanim 9:45am:
* Me‘ona – Jonathan Cohen - yisrael
* Torah - Eddie Levy - levi
* Bereshit – Bill Cohen - kohen
Kulam ‘Olim LaTorah 10:15am
Oldest Kid Aliya & Birkat haYeladim 10:30am
Ḣatanim Aliyot Celebration 10:45am
Kidush 12:30am * Haqafot followed by Minḣa 12:45
~ Please Bring Your Friends along with
Candies, Treats, Sweets, Cakes, and Snacks ~
Minḣa Gedola 1:06pm
Candle Lighting 5:42pm * Arvit 5:52pm
Shabat, October 26 – SHABAT Mevarkhim Rosh Ḣodesh - Parashat BERESHIT
Shaḣarit 8:45am * Kidush 11:45am
Minḣa 5:20pm * Arvit 6:33pm * Havdala 6:43pm
~ Ḣagim shel Simḣa & Shabbat shel Shalom ~