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Click to Read Online: Parashat Tsav Shabbat Hagadol Pesah
Šabat Hagadol * Parašat Ṡaw * Pesaḥ
1 April 2023 * 10 Ḣodeš Nisan 5783
י’ ניסן התשפ”ג
Earliest Candle Lighting Time - 6:00pm
Candle Lighting Official Time - 7:01pm
Šir Haširim - 6:45pm
Minḣa / Qabalat Šabat / Ȯrvit - 7:00pm
Šaḣarit (Qorbanot) - 8:45am
Latest Šəmaȯ - 9:49am
Dəvar Torah - 10:45am
Dvar Torah: by Rav Dov Lerea on the parasha and beyond.
Qiduš - 11:45pm
Qiddush this shabbat is sponsored by the Ouaknine, Neuwirth, and Marciano family in Memory of their father Meir ben Rahel, zikhro livrakha.
Open Word - 12:30pm - A Free Talk about Israel’s Democracy and a short Parasha Word:
Parent-Child Limud at 5:45pm at the 2nd Floor Bet Midrash with light eats and fun learnings
Seuda Shelishit this Shabbat is sponsored by Shoshi of Hamakolet in memory of her father, David ben Simḣa, zikhro livrakha.
Minḣa - 6:30pm
Šabat Hagadol Deraša w/ Rav Aharon-Steven Exler - 7:00pm: “Who’s In Your Ḣavura? Inclusiveness - and its Resistances - from the Korban Pesaḥ to the Seder to Today”
Šəqiȯa - 7:20pm * Ȯarvit - 8:00pm
Ṡet Hakok̇avim / Havdala - 8:05pm
Šabat Šel Šalom Gadol!