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Šabat Parašat Toledot
26 November 2022 * 2 Ḥodeš Kislew 5783
ב' כִּסְלֵו התשפ”ג
Candle Lighting Official Time - 4:13pm
Šir Haširim - 4:13pm
Minḥa / Qabalat Šabat / Ọrvit - 4:23pm
Šaḥarit (Qorbanot) - 8:30am
Latest Šəmaọ - 9:18am
Dəvar Torah - Rav Dov Lerea 11:00am
Qiddush is sponsored by Judy & Rav Shmuel Friedman in celebration of the engagement of their son Ariel Friedman to Chanel Fargesen.
Zohar - 3:55pm / Minḥa - 4:00pm
Səọuda Šəlišit/Šiọur - 4:30pm
After Minḥa Mila baParasha: Understanding a word in this week’s parasha. This week “Maḥalat & Qetura - מָחֲלַת וּקְטוּרָה”: The additional wives of Avraham and Esav; what does their name mean; why get married again; and are they our indirect, or direct, ancestral Mothers? Basic (and love of) Hebrew is sufficient.
Šəqiọa - 4:30pm
Ọarvit - 5:10pm
Ṣet Hakokhavim / Havdala - 5:15pm
Šabat Šel Šalom!