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Online: Matot-Masae
Parashat Matot-Masעe
30 July 2022 * 2 Ḥodesh Av 5782
ב' אב התשפ”ב
Earliest Candle Lighting - 6:50pm
Candle Lighting Official Time - 7:57pm
Shir Hashirim - 6:45pm
Minḥa/QabalatShabbat/Arvit - 7:00pm
Shaḥarit (Qorbanot) - 8:45am
Latest Shəma‘ - 9:25am
Dvar Torah - 10:55am
Reb ‘Aqiva-Andrew Small on Parashat Matot-Masae: “Putting Our Priorities in the Right Order.”
Kiddush for All - 11:45pm
This shabbat kiddush is sponsored by Sigal-Molinas family in memory of Sandra’s brother, Arvin Molinas, Avraham ben Devorah Gittel, z”l.
Limud Torah before Minḥa - 7:00pm
Learning to read the Torah in Sephardic melody, with Tsuri.
Zohar - 7:35pm * Minḥa - 7:40pm
Se’uda Shelishit/Shiur - 8:20pm
Hilkhot the Nine Days and Tisha‘ b’Av with David.
Shəki’a - 8:14pm * Arvit - 8:50pm
Havdala / Tset Hakokhavim - 8:59pm
Shabbat shel Shalom and Hodesh Tov!